Lava vs pumice vs leca soil test - Bonsai Nut
Aug 10, 2020 · Clearly, pumice holds more water than the other two. Lava and leca are close, and have more air filled porosity. So if your pots are not holding enough water, add more pumice to …
Lava Rock vs Pumice - Bonsai Nut
May 4, 2018 · Pumice, Lava, scoria are some of the terms used to describe inorganic substances of volcanic origin. They vary by density, color, element composition, vesicle size, water …
Pumice vs lava rock. | Bonsai Nut
Jul 28, 2009 · Pumice is much lighter and less porous than lava is and is only available in a white/grayish color. Lava is heavier by nature and is more porous than what pumice is. Lava …
hyuga Pumice - Bonsai Nut
Jan 22, 2022 · The color is very muted and the particle size is nicely aligned with Akadama, Kanuma, and Kiryu particles. A lot of US pumice can be very white and obnoxious at times. …
Dry Stall Pumice - What it is and where to get it | Bonsai Nut
Apr 15, 2019 · As most of us know, pumice can often be a great part of a soil mix, but it can sometimes be hard to find locally. I've found a local, cheap source for pumice - Dry Stall. It's …
Pumice and lava rock comparison - Bonsai Nut
Dec 3, 2014 · Pumice and scoria are differentiated by density alone - pumice is less dense than water and scoria is more dense. They are both volcanic glass (no or very few minerals). Scoria …
Akadama vs Turface vs Pumice - Bonsai Nut
Jun 22, 2014 · I have been reading a lot here about akadama, Turface MVP, and pumice. Lots of opinions have been expressed. About a year ago I put equal volumes of each material in …
Akadama, lava rock, pumice soil - watering schedule - Bonsai Nut
Mar 19, 2021 · As for the soil. That mix you are using is almost impossible to over water. I use Akadama, Kyadama and pumice. Which is very similar to your mix. When you water it …
Pumice as substrate.. - Bonsai Nut
Dec 11, 2015 · Wireme. I actually tied 100g pumice in a net.....and dunked it for 5 sec, then weighed it. I then held it under water for 5 minutes and weighed it again. The weights were the …
Will Akadama and Pumice (no lava rock) work? - Bonsai Nut
Jul 3, 2019 · Pumice is very light. The lava is heavier and helps provide stability. It’s easy to accidentally wash lava out of the pot when watering if you use a coarse spray of water. Using …