Explore the Differences between Protophloem and Metaphloem.
Protophloem and metaphloem are structures resulting from primary growth in phloem. Let us look at their differences.
Protophloem and Metaphloem | EasyBiologyClass
In a young stem, both in dicots and monocots, Phloem, the food conducting tissue of vascular bundles, are differentiated into PROTOPHLOEM and METAPHLOEM based on the structural and functional modifications of their elements.
Protophloem Definition and Examples - Biology Online
Feb 24, 2022 · The protophloem is the first phloem that develops from the procambium. The protophloem develops first but is more sensitive to stretch or mechanical stress thus often does not develop fully compared to the metaphloem that attains full development when the plant reaches maturity, or when the internode s stopped from elongating.
Phloem differentiation: an integrative model for cell specification
Protophloem differentiation is unique in being complete only 20–25 cells away from the first stem cell, and during the differentiation process the cells lose several organelles, including the nucleus, while the remaining organelles are rearranged.
Phloem development - Hardtke - 2023 - New Phytologist
May 27, 2023 · Protophloem –The early phloem formed by stem cells in the growth apices of plants, the meristems. Metaphloem – The later, durable primary phloem of mature plant organs. Secondary phloem – Phloem that is formed by the cambium during radial thickening of stem(-like) organs and roots.
Phloem | Definition, Function, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
phloem, plant vascular tissue that conducts foods made in the leaves during photosynthesis to all other parts of the plant. Phloem is composed of various specialized cells called sieve elements, phloem fibres, and phloem parenchyma cells.
Cell-by-cell dissection of phloem development links a ... - PubMed
Dec 24, 2021 · Here, we used single-cell transcriptomics to reconstruct the protophloem developmental trajectory from the birth of cell progenitors to terminal differentiation in the Arabidopsis thaliana root.
A root phloem pole cell atlas reveals common transcriptional
Aug 4, 2022 · During root development, the term phloem is oftentimes used as a synonym for the protophloem sieve element (PSE), the cell type that undergoes a unique differentiation process to specialize in...
10 Difference Between Protophloem And Metaphloem
Oct 21, 2019 · Both Metaphloem and protophloem contain living and dead cells. Metaphloem and Protophloem differ extensively both in structure and in terms of cellular components for example the sieve elements of Metaphloem are relatively longer, conspicuous and with a wider lumen when compared to protophloem.
Difference between Protophloem and Metaphloem | Plants
The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Protophloem and Metaphloem. Difference # Protophloem: 1. It is the first formed phloem when the plant organ is growing.