Why people call missing shots as Potato? : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
Mar 28, 2017 · (IIRC Potatoes can actually generate electricity or something along those lines) So that's where it came from. By the term "Potato Aim" technically makes no sense no matter how you think of it. Maybe you're aim was so bad a sack of potatoes could've shot better. Could be a hyperbole or a disconnected association with "Potato PC"
Potato Aim Origin lirikAppa : r/DatGuyLirik - Reddit
Feb 7, 2015 · From what I remember there was a period where lirik would call bad-quality things "potato". Like potato graphics card, iBuyPotato PC, etc. And it became quite a "meme" on his channel. So yeah, I think lirik started it on twitch. This European guy who was probably a viewer created the term "potato aim" to make fun of lirik's aim in DayZ.
I made the potato aim buddy! : r/VALORANT - Reddit
Feb 5, 2021 · Out of all the buddies, the potato aim buddy is definitely my favorite and it's forever equipped with my elderflame vandal (soon to be glitchpop vandal)! For that reason, I decided to make it as an actual charm. It's not anything spectacular but I still wanna share it with people who enjoyed playing valorant!
New to pc gaming. Tips to help my potato aim : r/pcgaming - Reddit
Nov 29, 2018 · Tips to help my potato aim So ive played games since i can remember and could never afford a pc so ive been a console + controller gamer for over 20 years. Ive recently gotten a decent rig but im really struggling switching to mouse and keyboard.
Why is bad aim called potato aim? : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
Apr 24, 2017 · I kind of remember hearing it a long time ago when anything was fumbled around, it was referenced as a "hot potato". So shooting all over the place looks like you're handling a hot potato, hence, potato aiming.
What To Do When You Have Potato Aim? : r/MercyMains - Reddit
I also have potato aim, just after 20-some years of gaming. I've admitted it won't be improving noticeably at any point. I also main Moira, so I have a low-aim, high-aggression, backup if either are needed. There are other heroes that also fill this gap, Moira's just mine. Before I switch, though, I'll take to pinging the mercy and GAing away.
Potato aiming : r/VALORANT - Reddit
Sep 25, 2020 · Everyone is different. Some people say low sensitivity some say high. Some say wrist aim and some say arm aiming. The recent trend is low sensitivity arm aiming. I use high sensitivity with minor forearm movement with locked wrist. I must be able to jump and do a consistant 180, but thats just me. Find your own setting and aim style.
The amusing and self-deprecating term for bad aim is "potato
I'm looking for words/expressions like "potato aim" that can be used in a self-deprecating way when talking about oneself. For example: "I used to have potato aim and not even know it, then I started doing practice drills and realized how bad my aim and tracking were. Eventually I got better and climbed 500 SR."
How not to potato on console? : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
Sep 2, 2018 · I potato aim a lot on console, specifically PS4. A lot of this is due to me panicking and I have it a lot when using pistols as with pistols I will either have a fast trigger finger and aim horribly or fire slowly whilst maintaining my aim.
Where did the term potato aim originate? : r/AskReddit
r/AskReddit • You’ve been offered a job in a desolate location miles from civilization that pays 10x more than what you currently make.
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