Parks on the Air | POTA
Parks program for amateur radio, also known as Parks on the Air (POTA), including a map and list of entities for the program.
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Parks on the Air | POTA | Parks program for amateur radio.
Welcome to the Parks on the Air ® (POTA) site for international portable amateur radio operations that promote emergency awareness and communications from national/federal and state/provincial level parks.
This site uses the Openlayers library for mapping and the USGS Gap Analysis Project, Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) for the POTA park boundaries. Some trails have come from the USGS, NPS, and other trail mapping volunteer groups.
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Glossary - Parks on the Air Documentation
Jan 1, 2025 · A park, forest, reservation, trail, scenic river, or other designated place in the POTA Park list and having a unique Park Reference. Park to Park (P2P) QSO between two Activators during the course of their Activations. It can also be used by an activator when calling another activator in a pileup. Passing the Mic
Resources and Documents - Parks on the Air Documentation
Oct 30, 2024 · Contact Parks on the Air® if you have questions. Permission is granted to individuals for personal, not-for-resale, and non-redistributable use of the Parks on the Air® logo on their own QSL cards, blogs and Youtube thumbnails.
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