Mordred - Poptropica Wiki
Mordred is also known as the Binary Bard, and is a Poptropica Creator. He is based on the enemy and son/nephew of King Arthur in Arthurian legend, known as Medraut, Modredus, or Mordred.
How to Solve the Door Puzzle in Astro-Knights – Poptropica …
Jul 7, 2009 · This is the door where Mordred runs into after he reveals that he is the princess in disguise and takes away all of the special weapons you have gotten. Once you solve the puzzle and go through the door, you can take on Mordred in the final battle and rescue the real princess.
Binary Bard | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Mordred, better known as Binary Bard, is the main antagonist of Astro-Knights Island in the online game Poptropica. He later appears on Super Villain Island as a major antagonist. He is a cyborg that resembles a jester, and is able to build many robots and inventions to help him.
mordred – Poptropica Help Blog
Mar 5, 2024 · Which adventure will take the crown as the #1 fan favorite Poptropica island? Before the final voting round begins, we have a couple messages for you. Our little tournament has caught the attention of iconic Pop villains, Mordred and Zeus, who have words to …
Mordred's Empire | Poptropica Wiki | Fandom
Mordred's Empire is Mordred's dominion to counter the Kingdom of Arturus. This empire formed some time after Mordred escaped Arturus authority. He became a cyborg called Binary Bard and assembled an army of robot-manned spacecraft. He then decided to test his new military on Arturus in the form...
Mordred's Fortress | Poptropica Wiki | Fandom
Mordred's Fortress is where Mordred build his robot. When you first enter the fortress, Mordred will pose as the princess and will take the mystical weapons of Arturus from you.
Binary Bard – Poptropica Cheats and Secrets
Nov 23, 2015 · Merlin needs to get two black bombs from those that were dropped by Mordred on the floor and then fly over him to release them when they start blinking red. When you’re done, Mordred will kill Merlin.
Mordred | Ultimate Favorite's Wiki | Fandom
Mordred is an evil man that formerly lived in the Kingdom of Arturus. He is also known as the Binary Bard, and is a Creator of Poptropica. He is based on the enemy and son of King Arthur, Mordred. He was winner of the 2011 Best Villains Contest.
Mordred - Poptropica Wiki
Mordred is an villain that formerly lived in the Kingdom of Arturus. He is also known as the Binary Bard, and is a Poptropica Creator. He is based on the enemy and son of King Arthur, Mordred.
poptropica mordred on Tumblr
See a recent post on Tumblr from @comical-icicle about poptropica mordred. Discover more posts about poptropica mordred.