Porunga - Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
Porunga (ポルンガ Porunga) is the wish-granting dragon from Planet Namek. His name in Namekian language translates to "Dragon of Dreams" or "Dragon of Law". In the anime, Dende refers to Porunga as the "Dragon of Love", "God of Dreams", "Maker of Dreams", or even "Granter of Dreams" in Dragon Ball Z Kai.
Polunga - Dragon Universe Wiki
Polunga (ポルンガ; FUNimation "Porunga", Viz "Shenlong") [3] is a magical, wish-granting Dragon that is summoned using the Nameccian Dragon Balls, and as such, is the Nameccian counterpart to Earth's Shenron. He was originally created by the Oldest Elder, and later passed onto the Nameccian Elder Mūri after the former's death, where he was improved.
Polunga | Dragon Universe Wiki | Fandom
Polunga (ポルンガ; FUNimation "Porunga"), also known as the Demon Realm Polunga (魔界のポルンガ, Makai no Porunga), is a magical, wish-granting Dragon. He is summoned by the Dragon Balls located in the Demon Realm, and as such, is the counterpart to Namekku's Polunga.
Polunga | Dragon Ball Wiki Hispano | Fandom
Polunga (ポルンガPorunga¿?) es el dios dragón del planeta Namek, habiendo reunido las siete esferas del dragón namekianas para invocarlo debe hacerse en el idioma nativo de Namek así como también para pedir los tres deseos. Está basado en un tipo de pez conocido como pez sapo. Su nombre significa " Dragón de los deseos y la ley " en namekiano.
Polunga | Dragon Ball Wiki Italia | Fandom
Polunga (ポルンガ Porunga) è un drago magico evocato dalle sette Sfere di Namecc. Controparte del Dio Drago della Terra, può esaudire tre desideri, ma con qualche limitazione. Il suo nome significa, in lingua namecciana, "dio dei sogni"; nei doppiaggi italiani …
Polunga — Wikipédia
Polunga (ポルンガ, Porunga?) est un personnage de fiction créé par Akira Toriyama dans le manga Dragon Ball en 1984. C'est, de même que Shenron, un dragon sacré. Alors que Shenron a été créé par le Tout-Puissant après son arrivée sur Terre, Polunga a été créé par le grand maître des Nameks, Saichoroshi.
Porunga - The Character Database
Aug 22, 2024 · Porunga (ポルンガ) is the wish-granting dragon from Planet Namek in the Dragon Ball series. His Namekian name translates to "Dragon of Dreams" or "Dragon of Law." In Dragon Ball Z Kai, Dende refers to him with various titles like "Dragon of Love," "God of Dreams," "Maker of Dreams," or "Granter of Dreams."
Polunga | Dragon Ball World Wiki | Fandom
Polunga[1][2][3][4][5] is the dragon that appears from the Nameccian Dragon Balls when summoned. Sometime after the battle with Majin-Boo, on Snake Way, Polunga was summoned by the Muri to help the Kaioh of the North wish for his planet.
Polunga - Dragon Ball Encyclopedia, the Dragon Ball wiki
Polunga was the Eternal Dragon of Planet Namek summoned when all the Dragon Balls of Namek are gathered. Compared to the Earth Dragon Balls, the Namek Dragon Balls are quite large, being more towards the size of a basketball rather than the size of a small grapefruit.
Porunga | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Porunga (ポルンガ, Porunga?) is a supporting character in the Dragon Ball franchise. He is an Eternal Dragon created by Guru to grant any wish to anyone who summons him using the Namekian Dragon Balls.