Pogies of choice? - Mountain Bike Reviews Forum
Jan 19, 2019 · There are definitely some negatives with the Dogwoods, but I find the ability to roll them inside out and essentially ride with "no pogies" to be well worth it, but for colder and slower stuff (non-race) I think there are better choices. Most of these 2nd gen pogies are much more rigid, heavier, etc. Those have good and bad traits.
Pogies with structure? - Mountain Bike Reviews Forum
Jan 17, 2025 · Any recommendations for pogies with decent structure? I'm not a big fan of the pogies I have due to difficulty getting into them while on the move. They are too floppy/fiddly. Last year at Fat Bike Worlds I saw some really nice looking colorful pogies that had structure to them, making getting in and out of them easier.
DIY Pogies - Patterns/plans? - Mountain Bike Reviews Forum
Dec 14, 2014 · Pogies look to be infinitely easier than sewing baffles for down bags and calculating/measuring down quantity for each baffle. I sure could use some patterns, though. The thread above has plenty of pictures and those are helpful, but those don't tell the whole story.
DIY Pogies - Mountain Bike Reviews Forum
Oct 12, 2009 · most commercially available pogies just have one big opening at the bar that cinches with velcro. on my homemades i have a flap of material on the top part that folds down between the cables and bar to seal it off. i wouldn't worry about breathability. worry about insulation. what you need will depend on the length and intensity of your rides and the temps. i …
New pogies from WolfTooth - Mountain Bike Reviews Forum
Oct 22, 2015 · A bit of fleece insulation. Gore Windstopper top though. Riding in about 0F today. Not much wind. And my hands were fine - no pogies. So I'm wondering which pogies would be best for someone that doesn't really suffer cold hands. Any colder (or very windy) - below 0F - and it might start to make sense for me to use pogies
pogie question - Mountain Bike Reviews Forum
Nov 9, 2024 · The great thing about dogwood design's pogies is I can "roll them up" when it's too warm or my hands get too warm, so then I'm not riding with pogies, even though they are still attached. "It's only when you stand over it, you know, when you physically stand over the bike, that then you say 'hey, I don't have much stand over height', you know ...
Pogies and Alt-bars - Mountain Bike Reviews Forum
Sep 12, 2011 · IMO a lot of Pogies are over done, it's easier than you think to sweat out your hands. The MM's are really minimalist but don't let that make you thing that means they won't keep you warm. The cuff on them is a bit loose, but you do have to get your hands in and out of the things and once you build a bit of heat in them it doesn't seem to loose ...
Winter Pogie / Bar Mitt suggestion? - Mountain Bike Reviews Forum
Oct 5, 2020 · There lots of threads on pogies if you do a search. Quite honestly, most pogies will be too warm at 25*F in my opinion. There are DIY options if you're handy with a sewing machine. Search google for ATV pogies if you want to save a bunch of dough. I think i bought one pair for $12 and the other set was under $20 - both work fine.
Old vs. New Cobrafist? - Mountain Bike Reviews Forum
Nov 21, 2020 · EDIT: the only thing about them, which is common with most pogies, is that things can get a little crammed. Your hands are restricted from moving outboard. I had to move my brake levers and shifter way inboard to give me enough room. This then made things a little tight in terms of fitting everything inside the pogies, if you know what I mean.
Drop Bar Pogies? - Mountain Bike Reviews Forum
Nov 4, 2010 · Agreed on the design and use detail. The real issue is that the production "road bar" pogies are designed for folks that ride road\touring\CX bikes and need the ability to use the hoods. I ride drops off-road as many folks are these days and most of us don't leave the hooks and rarely ride the brake hoods (like never for me personally).