What is the origin of the phrase "playing hooky"?
Feb 14, 2024 · Hooky was once slang, but it has lasted so well that it is now Standard in its idiom. And Dick Wilkinson, Concise Thesaurus of Traditional English Metaphors (2013) reports that the phrase "hook Jack" was used in the sense of "play truant" during the period 1840–1850: Hook Jack {Amer: 1840-50}/Play hookey [Amer]. Play truant.
Which should I use with "neither/nor": "has" or "have"?
Possible Duplicates: Which is correct, “neither is” or “neither are”? “Neither Michael nor Albert is correct” or “Neither Michael nor Albert are correct&
grammar - play piano v.s. play the piano - English Language
Jan 26, 2017 · They will usually say "I play guitar" even if there is only one guitarist in the band and they play only one instrument at any given gig. Not only that but if the same person takes one of his guitars into a street and busks a member of the public might report it to someone else as "I saw a guy playing a guitar in the street today".
Citing a Shakespearean Play: What Constitutes a "Line"?
The line numbering in various editions will be consistent in the case of an all-verse play, such as Richard II, but will vary in scenes that contain some prose, since different column widths and typefaces will determine where line breaks fall in prose. Even verse passages that follow prose ones within the same scene will thus be line-numbered ...
word order - Is "neither I" grammatically correct? - English …
Jan 11, 2021 · No, it is grammatically unacceptable. Correct constructions using neither include:. Neither a nor b: This is the most common usage.
A word to describe hidden sexual intent... play on words
Jul 9, 2015 · The word is Double-Entendre. This can refer to any sentence with two meanings, but most often is used when one meaning of a sentence is innocent and the other is sexual.
British English alternative term for Chinese Whispers
Mar 17, 2021 · Chinese Whispers, in British English, would be broadly recognised as a game that children play where the starting person whispers a word or phrase to another person. This is in turn whispered to another person. By chaining these together you will find that after several attempts the phrase has changed dramatically.
"Sport" vs "Sports" Origin - English Language & Usage Stack …
Dec 10, 2014 · "I like to play sports. I played baseball when I was young. Now I don't play sports often, but I cheer for my favorite sports teams when I see them on TV." I am now overseas and a lot of my students have learned British English. They write things like, "I wish there was more sport in our city. All kids should have a chance to play sport."
I don't get this joke. Is it some kind of play on "water, too?"
Feb 24, 2014 · I don't get this joke. Is it some kind of play on "water, too?" Transcript: Two scientists walk into a bar. The first says, "I'll have some H2O." The second says, "I'll have a glass of water too. Why did you say H2O? It's the end of the day and there's no …
What determines whether a sporting event is a game, match, …
Jul 13, 2011 · A "game" is one unit of play according to set rules in which a winner can be decided. This is distinct from a "point" or "round", which is a possible substructure of a game in which one player may "win" or "lose" standing in a single game due to the scoring or winning of points or rounds, but has not won or lost the game itself.