Pizzica - Wikipedia
Pizzica (Italian pronunciation:) is a popular Italian folk dance, originally from the Salento peninsula in Apulia and later spreading throughout the rest of Apulia and the regions of Calabria and eastern Basilicata.
Dream of Italy: Pizzica Dancing in Puglia - YouTube
Jun 18, 2015 · In the Puglia episode of Dream of Italy (new PBS travel series), we learn the traditional dance of the region - pizzica - and experience it both in a piazza and in an olive grove. For more...
The Pizzica, an Italian popular dance | Italian Traditions
The Pizzica is an Italian popular dance characteristic of the territory of Puglia between Taranto and Salento Leccese. Until the beginning of 20 th century, however, this dance was widespread throughout Puglia, with different names.
How To Dance The Pizzica - YouTube
May 31, 2006 · Background: This video was originally billed as: "A 4 step course on The Pizzica, a traditional Southern Italian Dance" This video was recorded in 2006 as a pre-wedding bit of fun for an...
Pizzica - Wikipedia
La pìzzica è una danza popolare presente in Salento (nelle province di Lecce, Brindisi, Taranto) e in Basilicata (province di Matera e, parzialmente, di Potenza). Il suo nome in molte località si intreccia e si confonde col nome più noto di tarantella, …
pizzica Salento BTQ - ballati tutti quanti (lu core meu) - YouTube
La danza pizzica pizzica, in questo video sulle note de "lu core meu", dal cd dei Ballati Tutti Quanti (fratelli Rizzello di Spongano -Lecce-) "Ttacca banda"...
Pizzica dance in Italy: Origin, History, Costumes, Style, Technique ...
Pizzica holds an essential place in Italian folk dances because it showcases the rich history and cultural identity of Southern Italy, especially within Apulian communities where it remains popular today.
Pizzica: from its origins to today - Turisti in Puglia
Long skirts, fluttering red scarves, a fast-paced rhythm and bare feet that twirl relentlessly: it is the pizzica, the Salento folk dance, which overwhelms you with its charm and energy.
The Pizzica - Galatina History and Traditions - Visit Galatina
The tarantata pizzica takes its origins from the ancient therapeutic dance of Tarantism, made up of very fast jumping steps and non-stop spins that follow the pressing rhythm of the tambourines, in an exhausting and entrancing dance at the same time that leads the dancers to dance without truce until the end of their strength for a liberating ...
La pizzica: viaggio attraverso la danza popolare - The Studio Bari
Apr 15, 2020 · La pizzica è una danza popolare tipica della Puglia e appartiene alla famiglia delle tarantelle. È riconducibile all’alto e basso salento e in base alla collocazione geografica varia anche lo stile della danza.