Two Dot Ranch-Cody, WY - Hunt Talk
Feb 9, 2015 · Pitchfork ranch is another that head fee access, never heard anything bad about them either, and hunt oil company, dba hoodoo ranch, has 7 or 8 properties that they used to allow fee access to, not sure if they still do but probably do.
Wyoming HMA question - Hunt Talk
Oct 2, 2019 · My question is this, and I posted here because this would be for an Elk type 6 or 7 license: If a private section of land is enrolled in an HMA for elk Cow/Calf, and that particular HMA only hands out say 75 permission slips for a specific time period, would someone who did NOT receive a pass...
Pitchfork HMA - Hunt Talk
Jul 7, 2012 · I am considering a left-over cow elk tag for unit 61 in Wyoming. Does anybody have experience on the Pitchfork or Meeteetse HMA's in that unit? This would be a late hunt most likely and I am just curious as to animal numbers etc.
wyoming whitetail? - Hunt Talk
Jan 9, 2001 · So Im b.s.ing with my 14yr old daughter tonight about tags this year and she says she wants to hunt whitetail more than anything else this year. Well of course down here in cheyenne there is pretty much no access on all the private ground. I grew up on the other side of the state so this side is...
Wyoming state land within an HMA - Hunt Talk
Aug 24, 2013 · The Duncan Ranch has special rules for access to hunting through an agreement with the State Lands Office and the Wy G&F. Those rules fall under G&F regulation and yes they will write tickets for those who don't have HMA slips.
History of Nimmo Ranch Turning HMA - Hunt Talk
Apr 8, 2019 · Well I delivered a landowner coupon to Gretchen Nimmo, owner/GM of Nimmo Ranch and got to talk to her foreman. See, it used to be that Nimmo access was controlled directly by Gretchen and you had to get her to sign your permission slip to hunt on Nimmo Ranch. However, two Air Force members...
WY GEN Elk Tag is Virtually a Once in a Lifetime Tag ... - Hunt Talk
May 17, 2018 · The guy who decides a week before archery season to load up the truck and go OTC elk hunting has invested nothing extra. So, rather than increasing the price of more desirable tags such as states like UT, what if we charged $1,500 for the NR OTC elk license (and corresponding rate for R licenses)? Waiting for the for the pitchfork mob.....
WY Unit 34 Nimmo Ranch - Hunt Talk
Mar 29, 2016 · Has anyone ever hunted this HMA? I hunted 34 last year and got my buck but I put in for Nimmo for opening up potential new territory and as luck would have it I actually got drawn(9/25-10/4). I was just curious if anyone has hunted it and what to expect on the ranch compared to the Northern...
The official 2025 Wyoming elk hunt for Dave N thread.
Jan 19, 2017 · Are hunt dates set yet? It will be opening week of rifle, which normally starts Oct 15th.
WYO unit 45 X-Bar Ranch - Hunt Talk
Apr 7, 2016 · Anybody ever hunt X-bar ranch in unit 45. A group of guys and I are heading from Kansas to hunt Wyoming antelope. Considering putting in for unit 45. But with lack of public access the only way I see it being worth it is if we can get onto the Xbar ranch. Anybody know how that process works...