Piro people (New Mexico) - Wikipedia
The Piro people / ˈ p ɪr oʊ / were a Native American tribe who lived in New Mexico during the 16th and 17th century. The Piros (not to be confused with the Piros of the Ucayali basin in Peru) lived in a number of pueblos in the Rio Grande Valley around modern Socorro, New Mexico, USA. The now extinct Piro language may have been a Tanoan ...
Piro Tribe of New Mexico & Texas – Legends of America
The Piro Indians were once one of the principal Pueblo tribes of New Mexico, which, in the early part of the 17th century, comprised two divisions, one inhabiting the Rio Grande Valley in Socorro County, New Mexico, northward to within about 50 miles of Albuquerque, where the Tigua settlements began. The other division, sometimes called Tompiro ...
Mashco-Piro - Wikipedia
The Nomole or Cujareño people, also known as the Mashco Piro, are an indigenous tribe of nomadic hunter-gatherers who inhabit the remote regions of the Amazon rainforest. They live in Manú National Park in the Madre de Dios Region in Peru. [2] They have actively avoided contact with non-native peoples.
Piros Tribe - Access Genealogy
The Piros Tribe, formerly significant Pueblo Indians in New Mexico, occupied two main divisions during the early 17th century: the Rio Grande valley and an area east of the Rio Grande. The establishment of missions among the Piros began in 1626.
PIRO Gateway - socorro-history.org
The Piro never returned to their New Mexico homeland, but remnants still live in the Las Cruces, NM, El Paso, TX and other areas as the Piro-Manso-Tiwa tribe to this day. The information herein is to assist the Piro-Manso-Tiwa people preserve their culture and tribal identity .
Local tribe's history rooted in Spanish conquest - Las Cruces Sun-News
Mar 26, 2016 · Native American residents of the El Paso area, especially Piros, were believed to have migrated north in significant numbers to the modern-day Las Cruces area in the mid-1800s, according to the...
Piro Indians: Ancient Wisdom of New Mexico’s Tribal Heritage
Nov 22, 2023 · The Piro Indian Tribe of New Mexico is a Native American tribe that has historically inhabited the southwestern region of what is now the United States. The Piro people have a rich cultural heritage and have played a significant role in the history of New Mexico.
Piro Pueblo Indians - Access Genealogy
The Piro Pueblo Indians, part of the Tanoan linguistic family, once inhabited regions along the Rio Grande Valley and areas east of the Rio Grande, near salt lagoons. Their settlements included Abo Pueblo, Qualacu Pueblo, and Socorro Pueblo.
documents, and excavating the Piro pueblos of Qualacu, Teypana, and Tzelaqui/Sevilleta. Their research and field work is recognized as two primary sources on the Piro people.
Piro Pueblos - Visit Socorro New Mexico
Piro Pueblo /ˈpɪroʊ/: The Piros (not to be confused with the Piros of the Ucayali basin in Peru) were a Native American Pueblo people that lived in a number of pueblos in the Rio Grande Valley around modern Socorro, New Mexico, USA. The now extinct Piro language was in the family of Tiwa languages.