Crashing when a car blows up - Steam Community
Jul 17, 2013 · I have a question, I got the Cleo pimp my car mod Andres replaced some particle and effect .txd’s, and it crashed my game. I deleted all my Cleo stuff, but it still crashed, cause the textures were still replaced, I guess. Idk, I’m a total noob. So I reinstalled and downgraded it, and it worked. So my question is, do you know why it would ...
Steam Workshop::Pimp my Ride - Steam Community
Apr 4, 2018 · Steam Workshop: Car Mechanic Simulator 2018. ... its finally here, this car was the second mod i had ever done for cms and tbh wth the original nova was a heeping pile of crap, ive spent alot time effort and got some help modeling parts for this car to improve on the old nova.
Pimp My Car :: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas General Discussions
Steam version isnt really compatable with any mods, So either get a DVD version or ♥♥♥♥ off xD
What types of mods will crash GTA SA cutscenes?
May 13, 2018 · So I got the pimp my car mod, which replaces the explosion textures. When I tried playing the first mission, sweet and kendl, during the cutscene where smoke's car blows up, even if I skipped the cutscene, it would crash. So i literally reinstalled and downgraded the entire game because I'm an absolute noob with modding. So I was wondering, will replacing .dat or .ifp files and installing new ...
Simple Simfphys Boosters (Pimp my Crappy car) - Steam Community
Jan 1, 2020 · Adds 10 entities that can simply boost any simfphys vehicle by just simply welding it to the vehicle. Boosters will activate if half of the vehicles max RPM is passed while in full throttle, and will boost the vehicles velocity, RPM, flywheel …
Pimp my car mod issue :: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas General …
May 25, 2016 · Pimp my car mod issue For those that use this mod, it appears to be buggy, like freezing in the menus such as neons, and not being able to exit your car, any body else using this mod experience things like this
Steam Workshop::Volkswagen Golf GTI Pimp My Car
Volkswagen Golf GTI Pimp My Car. Description Discussions 0 Comments 0 Change Notes
How to backup entire GTA SA directory? - Steam Community
May 15, 2018 · Because I hear you should do that with Cleo mods and I already had to uninstall and reinstall and THEN downgrade the game because I replaced some textures for pimp my car Cleo mod that would keep crashing my game. I know, I’m a noob. Pls help.
Steam Community :: Video :: Pimp My Ride - Finland edition
Steam Community: My Summer Car. This is the best game ever.
Dlc idea ...pimp my car :: Rust General Discussions - Steam …
We have cars.... dlc idea would be an add on to the garage aspect of the idea. Player would be able to pimp some clannies ride with logos or sprays or hydronics....or add a radio with preloaded song mixed tape options.... anything related to what people can do with their car in real life.