Pierre-Christian Fink - University of Virginia
Pierre-Christian Fink is a scholar of economic sociology and political economy, emphasizing historical methods and theoretical development. His work explores how financial elites create markets that are hidden from the public but powerfully influence citizens’ economic opportunities across the globe.
Pierre-Christian Fink
I study the sociology and political economy of finance.
Dr Pierre Finck: Dissecting JFK ’s Back and Throat Wounds
Dr Pierre Finck testified in Clay Shaw trial that pathologists at President Kennedy's autopsy were forbidden to dissect JFK's back and throat wounds.
Third JFK pathologist breaks silence - UPI Archives
Oct 5, 1992 · 'I am very much tired of hearing so much nonsense about the Kennedy assasination,' Dr. Pierre Finck said in an interview with the Journal of the American Medical Association, which is published...
Pierre-Christian Fink - Department of Sociology
Pierre-Christian Fink is a scholar of economic sociology and political economy, emphasizing historical methods and theoretical development. His work explores how financial elites create markets that are hidden from the public but powerfully influence citizens’ economic opportunities across the globe.
Pierre-Christian Fink - Google Scholar
Pierre-Christian Fink. University of Virginia. Verified email at virginia.edu - Homepage. Economic sociology political economy history of capitalism finance. Articles Cited by. Title. ... PC Fink. Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics 5 (1), 200-226, 2024. 2024: The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Minsky’s proposal (Fink 2023, 34). Holland actually hinted at this in a letter to Minsky in November 1974: “our staff people are now poring hard over the cash flow analysis approach to ... Fink, Pierre-Christian. 2023. “Caught between Frontstage and Backstage: The Failure of the Federal Reserve to Halt Rule Evasion in the Financial Crisis ...
PIERRE-CHRISTIAN FINK University of Virginia Department of Sociology and Program in Global Commerce in Culture and Society 130 Hospital Drive Charlottesville, VA 22903 [email protected] Academic Positions 2024– Assistant Professor, University of Virginia 2022–24 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University
Pierre-Christian Fink . VISITING SCHOLAR “Neither Political Nor Technical: Hyman Minsky’s Failed Attempts to Propose Regulation of the Postwar Money Market” THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 2023. 1:30 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. Harvard Law School Wasserstein (WCC 3019)
The Clay Shaw trial testimony of Pierre Finck - JFK assassination
PIERRE A. FINCK, M.D., having been previously sworn, resumed the stand for a continuation of CROSS-EXAMINATION THE COURT: Let it be noted the Jury has returned from lunch. The Defendant is present and Counsel for both sides are present.