П.И.К. Кo - pic-co.com
E-mail: [email protected] Добре дошли в страницата на П.И.К.Ко. Ние сме водещ доставчик на суровини, функционални добавки за производството на храни, безалкохолни и алкохолни напитки, а също и за ...
P.I.C. Co
E-mail: [email protected] Welcome to the site of P.I.C.Co Ltd. We are a leading supplier of raw materials and functional ingredients for the production of foods, beverage and alcoholic drinks, as well as for cosmetics, pharmaceutical products, animal feed, textile, detergents and miscellaneous other applications.
P.I.C. Co
E-mail: [email protected]: Commercial representative: Andrei Melnikliiski: Stara Zagora » find on map: Tel/ Fax: 00359 42 62 69 88 E-mail: [email protected]: Commercial representative: Anton Tonchev: Varna » find on map: st.Murgash 5 Tel: 00359 52 50 22 35 E-mail: [email protected]: Commercial representative: Angel Statulov
P.I.C. Co
Minced meat and formed meat products/meat rolls and meat balls / Cooked emulsified type of sausages: Ham and ham type of sausages: Cooked and smoked injected whole meat cuts
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