Hama VS Piandao - Battles - Comic Vine
Jan 28, 2024 · R1: Stalemate. Piandao's faster than Sokka, who has been able to react to attacks from Azula.Hama is about relative to Katara in speed, who is relative to Azula.So Piandao should be able to evade ...
Master Piandao runs a Non-Bending Gauntlet - Comic Vine
May 8, 2021 · Piandao's only noted weakness is his old age, so I think Jet and Suki are the only ones who can really beat him this given their demonstrated skill level, superior agility, and greater stamina.
Tonraq vs Piandao - Battles - Comic Vine
May 7, 2021 · Well, based on Piandao's feats, I'd say that he would give Tonraq a lot of trouble, but Tonraq would win with Mid-High Difficulty. Thank you for reading this post and hope you have a marvelous day!
Piandao vs Sokka and Jet and Zuko - Battles - Comic Vine
Sep 11, 2023 · PiandaoVSSokkaJetZukoRules:In character with full knowledge and ideal weaponry.Zuko cannot firebend, he can only use his swords.Starts 20 ft apart.Win
Piandao vs Mai - Battles - Comic Vine
Sep 27, 2021 · It's subjective, I lean towards Piandao but Mai is more based on feats while Piandao is more based on statements, Piandao feats by the Cartoon are fighting Sokka and the fire Benders in Ba Sin Se ...
Sokka & Piandao vs Azula & Zuko (No Bending) - Comic Vine
Sokka & Piandao. Azula & Zuko. Rules. All characters are Book 3 but can also have current comic feats with Azula being sane.; No Bending. Zuko has his swords for this battle. Azula has her dagger ...
Master Piandao vs Ty Lee - Battles - Comic Vine
Aug 11, 2021 · Master Piandao VSTy LeeRules and Regulations!Both are in characterBoth
Ghazan and Zaheer vs Jeong Jeong and Piandao - Comic Vine
Jun 13, 2023 · Zaheer and Ghazan Jeong Jeong and PiandaoWin by any meansBasic knowledgeIn characterStart 10 meters apartFight in Piandao's yardRound 1. Pre-bending
Piandao vs MCU Defenders - Battles - Comic Vine
Dec 2, 2020 · Piandao wins , nothing beats the power of good writing. And considering piandao is a side character, that says a lot. 3 years ago. viking1205. Follow 7511. Forum Posts. 0. Wiki Points ...
Master Piandao vs The Equalist Lieutenant - Comic Vine
Mar 31, 2015 · In characterwinner by KO, incapacitation or deathrandom encounterstandard gear and abilities (Piandao is also wearing insulator gloves)fight takes pla