Phacus - Wikipedia
Phacus is a genus of unicellular excavates, of the phylum Euglenozoa (also known as Euglenophyta), characterized by its flat, leaf-shaped structure, and rigid cytoskeleton known …
Genus Phacus - iNaturalist
Phacus is a genus of unicellular excavates, of the phylum Euglenozoa (also known as Euglenophyta), characterized by its flat, leaf-shaped structure, and rigid cytoskeleton known …
Phacus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Phacus is found in swamps, ditches, and ponds, euplanktonic and tycoplanktonic (Prescott, 1962). Thirty-two species have been recorded for the United States (Smith, 1950). Dillard …
Taxon‐rich phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Phacus …
Morphological and molecular features were analyzed for a species of Phacus to better understand the phylogenetic relationships among them and establish the taxonomy. Phylogenetic …
Phacus Dujardin - Connecticut College
Like other freshwater euglenoids, Phacus cells have contractile vacuoles and may have a red-pigmented stigma to sense light. In the images below, note the cellular morphology, …
Phacus (Bacteria and "Protists" of Travis County, TX; USA) · …
Phacus is a genus of unicellular excavates, of the phylum Euglenozoa (also known as Euglenophyta), characterized by its flat, leaf-shaped structure, and rigid cytoskeleton known …
phacus - Encyclopedia of Life
Artificial watercourse with no flow or a controlled flow used for navigation, drainage or irrigation. An autotroph which is capable of transforming light into chemical energy. The institution that …
Phacus ~ Everything You Need to Know with Photos | Videos
Oct 4, 2024 · Phacus is a genus of unicellular protists, of the phylum Euglenozoa (also known as Euglenophyta). They are light-green and are commonly found in freshwater pools, propelling …
Phacus - Connecticut College
Phacus: Unlike Euglena, Phacus is not as common in stagnant environments, although it is found in a variety of habitats. The genus mainly inhabits the plankton of swamps, ditches, and ponds …
Molecular Phylogeny and Cryptic Diversity of the Genus Phacus ...
The photosynthetic euglenoid genus Phacus is commonly found in freshwater; it is characterized by a rigid to semi-rigid cell, usually flat with numerous small discoid chloroplasts without …