abbreviations - Should I write "PhD" or "Ph.D."? - English …
Indeed. To give an anecdotal example: in the company I used to work for, which was British, people didn't tend to use periods for abbreviations of degrees, e.g. MSc, PhD. I now work for an American company, where the convention is to use them, hence Ph.D. –
word choice - Have a PhD, Hold a PhD or Be a PhD? - English …
Can be used but I haven't heard anyone say this. Technically correct, the subject can physically hold an award, your wife could also cherish the PhD, be proud of the PhD or earn the PhD. If however you wish to convey the subjects level of attainment, then it is more common to say that your wife has a PhD in [whatever the field of study is].
"Studying PhD at the university" or "studying PhD in the university"?
Dec 23, 2010 · I am studying PhD in the university. In the above, both sentences are wrong. Inserting for a between studying and PhD would make sentence 1. correct. Sentence 2. would still be wrong, as in is the wrong preposition to use in this case: I am studying for a PhD at the university. [Correct] I am studying for a PhD in the university. [Wrong]
abbreviations - What's the correct way of writing a higher …
You will find that PhD Ph.D. BSc B.Sc. MSc and M.Sc. are all found. The question linked to handles this for PhD/Ph.D. but the answer covers the rest. The only thing to add to it is to be consistent, so PhD and BSc or Ph.D. and B.Sc., but not one form together with another in the same piece of writing. –
PhD, Ph.D. and Ph.D - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
PhD in British . abbreviation for. Doctor of Philosophy. Well in American. PhD in American or Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy. But sometimes I also see it's abbreviated to "Ph.D". Questions: Is PhD the only form used in British? And in American, both PhD and Ph.D. are acceptable? What about "Ph.D"? Is it used in some other areas?
Can PhD be written as PH.D in a name card? [duplicate]
Jun 29, 2015 · According to Wikipedia, there are many ways to abbreviate it:. Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated as PhD, Ph.D., D.Phil., or DPhil in English-speaking countries and originally as Dr.Philos. or Dr.Phil. (for the Latin philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae), is in many countries a postgraduate academic degree awarded by universities.
Ph.D. or PhD on business card - Styleforum
Feb 5, 2007 · Ph.D. or PhD on business card. Thread starter oscarthewild; Start date Feb 5, 2007; Watchers 1 Tags
is it is correct to mention PhD in brackets or with upper line to ...
Mar 26, 2015 · One either has the degree, or one has not. For a person who is about to go through the ceremony, the term graduand exists:
etymology - Which was the first doctor, M.D. or Ph.D.? - English ...
Feb 8, 2012 · But which of Ph.D. or M.D. was first referred to as a doctor? Are you saying that at the year such degree titles/letters started to be conferred, those people were already referred to as 'doctor'? And if so, then the answer boils down to …
Am I a graduate or a Masters graduate? [duplicate]
There area couple of options: It's quite common to say "I have a masters [degree] in XYZ" for an M.A. or M.S., with the "degree" being optional.