Four-letter bird codes
Four-letter codes are commonly (and too often incorrectly) used as a short-hand way to write a bird name. Two different sets of codes are in use. The first codes were created by the Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) for use by bird
4-LETTER CODE - Birds of Southern California
See list below for only the birds you normally see in Southern California. MODO is used for Mourning Dove. Simple; or we should say Simplefect.... But some names are more complicated. Ergo: the lists below.. Note: Work in process-- new as of 09-24-2019.
Bird Species Code Abbreviations - Barton Street
Bird Species Code Abbreviations. This table shows bird abbreviations for all non-extinct bird species that have been recorded in Massachusetts. The first column shows common names in the current AOU Checklist order.
PEFA Peregrine Falcon SNPL Snowy Plover YERA Yellow Rail PHVI Philadelphia Vireo SOSA Solitary Sandpiper YWAR Yellow Warbler PBGR Pied-billed Grebe SOVI Solitary Vireo YBFL Yellow-bellied Flycatcher PIWO Pileated Woodpecker SOSP Song Sparrow YBSA Yellow-bellied Sapsucker PIGR Pine Grosbeak SOTE Sooty Tern YBCU Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) - PEFA
The Peregrine Falcon is the ultimate bird of prey, famous for its blinding dive which reaches speeds over 200 mph. This bird is making a remarkable comeback since the practice of using DDT has stopped.
PEFA Birds Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
Birds PEFA abbreviation meaning defined here. What does PEFA stand for in Birds? Get the most popular PEFA abbreviation related to Birds.
The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) was believed to be extirpated as a breeding species in Virginia by the early 1960s. An aggressive restoration program was initiated in 1978 that included the release of 115 captive-reared birds on the Coastal Plain (1978-1985) and 127 birds in the mountains (1985-1993).
May 18, 2016 · Peregrine Falcon PEFA Merlin MERL Aplomado Falcon APFA Eurasian Kestrel EUKE American Kestrel AMKE Crested Caracara CRCA Osprey OSPR Barn Owl BNOW Long-eared Owl LEOW Short-eared Owl SEOW Species Alpha Code ... American Ornithological Union (AOU) Bird Species List .
LBMP Bird Species Codes Use these 4-letter codes on all data forms. Shaded codes are non-standard. American Avocet AMAV American Bittern AMBI ... Peregrine Falcon PEFA Pied-billed Grebe PBGR Pileated Woodpecker PIWO Pine Grosbeak PIGR Pine Siskin PISI Pinyon Jay …
Wild Neighbors: Four-letter Birds - Berkeley Daily Planet
Jan 26, 2011 · Otherwise, the code is either an abbreviation of the bird’s name (WILL for willet, KILL for killdeer) or, more commonly, a combination of portions of the noun and its modifier (PEregrine FAlcon becomes PEFA).