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Eligible Training Provider List - SCPATH
Select the link above to access information concerning the youth program provider contacts and service locations for the 12 LWDAs in South Carolina.
Training Provider and Program Search - SCPATH
Please select either the Provider or Program option below, choose the search options using the down arrows and click Submit to view the eligible provider or program list offered by Palmetto Academic and Training Hub of South Carolina (PATh).
I am a Student - SCPATH
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About - SCPATH
Click here to access the PATh Video Tutorials The eTRACK system provides vital, accurate and timely information about the employment and earnings of workforce training participants, which is highly useful in developing and evaluating programs and services.
Preliminary Application - SCPATH
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Basic Information - SCPATH
Due to Covid-19 Pandemic and SC DHHS consent, students complete 40-hour required clinical training onsite at NLHIC. Partnership with adult education for level 3 and 4 students who are interested in healthcare as a continuing career pathway.
Basic Information - SCPATH
Let us clarify coding for you and become a CPC in just 16 weeks. We have classes starting daily and offer the flexibility of working on your own schedule but with instant access to your online instructor. 98% of our students pass the certification exam on the 1st attempt and make starting salaries of $20 to $25 per hour.
Basic Information - SCPATH
This course provides an introduction to theory and foundational skills in nursing assisting for the student. Content includes lecture and discussion on the role of the clinical nursing assistant, nursing terminology, safety, human anatomy and physiology, screening, medical office emergencies, and patient education and communication.
Basic Information - SCPATH
The Nursing Assistant Program is designed to provide students with the theory and skills necessary to give basic patient care in long-term and acute settings.