Parazoa - Wikipedia
Parazoa (Parazoa, gr. Παρα-, para, "next to", and ζωα, zoa, "animals") are a taxon with sub-kingdom category that is located at the base of the phylogenetic tree of the animal kingdom in …
Parazoa of the Animal Kingdom - ThoughtCo
Apr 6, 2019 · Parazoa is the animal sub-kingdom that includes organisms of the phyla Porifera and Placozoa. Sponges are the most well-known parazoa. They are aquatic organisms …
Parazoa | animal subkingdom | Britannica
In animal: Parazoa: a cellular level of organization. Although the two phyla in this subkingdom, Porifera (sponges) and Placozoa, lack clearly defined tissues and organs, their cells specialize …
Parazoa: qué es, características, tipos y clasificación - Lifeder
Nov 1, 2023 · ¿Qué es Parazoa? El filo Parazoa es una categoría taxonómica que incluye los poríferos o esponjas de mar. Son animales primariamente marinos, pero también …
Parazoa Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary
May 29, 2023 · Parazoa A subkingdom that includes the sponges (phylum porifera), considered by many zoologists to be intermediate between the subkingdoms protozoa and metazoa.
Mesozoa and Parazoa | The Diversity of Animal Life - Biocyclopedia
Multicellular organisms (metazoa) are typically divided into three grades: (1) Mesozoa (a single phylum), (2) Parazoa (phylum Porifera, sponges; and phylum Placozoa), and (3) Eumetazoa …
PARAZOA Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PARAZOA is a group of invertebrate animals coextensive with Porifera and comprising multicellular forms that are essentially comparable to a gastrula in organization.
4.3: Parazoa- Animals that Lack Specialized Tissues
Dec 15, 2021 · The invertebrates, or invertebrata, are animals that do not contain bony structures, such as the cranium and vertebrae.The simplest of all the invertebrates are the Parazoans, …
Parazoa - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Parazoa are an ancestral subkingdom of animals, literally translated as "beside the animals". Parazoans differ from their choanoflagellate ancestors in that they are macroscopic and have …
Parazoa: Definition and Characteristics - Lesson - Study.com
Parazoans are sponges of various sizes, shapes, and colors that lack specialized tissue and are classified as animals. Learn about the definition, characteristics, and overall composition of...