Parapodium - Wikipedia
In invertebrates, the term parapodium (Gr. para, beyond or beside + podia, feet; pl.: parapodia) refers to lateral outgrowths or protrusions from the body. Parapodia are predominantly found in annelids, where they are paired, unjointed lateral outgrowths that bear the chaetae.
Parapodium | anatomy | Britannica
…projections of the foot called parapodia; they are used in swimming or else are reflexed over the shell surface. An unusual feature found in several kinds of land slugs, some nudibranchs, and the neogastropod marine family Harpidae is the ability to self-amputate the posterior portion of the foot, which remains…
PARAPODIUM Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
See examples of PARAPODIUM used in a sentence.
The Parapodium: An Orthotic Device for Neuromuscular Disorders
The Parapodium was designed in the effort to introduce a modular system that offers alternatives and resolves some of those difficulties. The Parapodium facilitates standing without crutches, thus freeing the patient's hands for a wider range of activities.
Parapodium Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
One of the fleshy paired appendages of polychaete annelids that function in locomotion and breathing. A winglike extension of the foot of certain gastropods, such as the sea butterflies, …
Parapodium of Heteronereis (With Diagram) | Zoology
In this article we will discuss about the structure of parapodium of heteronereis with diagram. 1. It is the slide of parapodium of Hereronereis. 2. The parapodium is biramous and ties on either side of a segment and is an organ of locomotion (swimming). 3.
Parapodium - Definition, Usage & Quiz | Ultimate Lexicon
A parapodium (plural: parapodia) is a paired, lateral appendage found in certain invertebrates, most notably polychaete worms, which are a subclass of the phylum Annelida. Parapodia are typically equipped with setae (bristles) and serve various functions, including locomotion, respiration, and sensory perception.
Parapodium | definition of parapodium by Medical dictionary
parapodium ( pl . parapodia) any of the paired numerous segmentally arranged projections of the body of polychaete worms, containing musculature and often bearing chaetae. It is locomotory in function.
What does parapodium mean? - Definitions.net
Paired unjointed lateral outgrowths used for locomotion by worms such as annelids. A parapodium is a lateral, paired appendage found in some marine annelid worms, specifically in polychaetes. It is used primarily for locomotion but also serves in …
What is the Difference Between Setae and Parapodia
Jan 9, 2024 · Parapodia are unjointed, lateral outgrowths occurring in annelids. Also, they are essential for respiration and swimming. Importantly, they appear in tapeworms. Free-moving polychaetes undergo locomotion by circular, longitudinal, and parapodial muscles. Coelomic fluid also aids in this process.