Panavia Tornado - Wikipedia
The Panavia Tornado is a multirole, twin-engined aircraft designed to excel at low-level penetration of enemy defences. The mission envisaged during the Cold War was the delivery …
Tornado ECR carries the High Speed Anti Radiation Missile (HARM AGM-88), a high performance missile with a considerable stand-off range, identifying and homing onto air …
Variants - Panavia Aircraft GmbH
Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance) has the electronic warfare equipment and weapons for the suppression of enemy air defences and for electronic and tactical …
Panavia Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat / Reconnaissance)
Mar 12, 2019 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Panavia Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat / Reconnaissance) Suppression of Enemy Air …
ECR - panavia-tornado.com
The Tornado ECR is a modified IDS produced by Germany as a replacement for the Phantom RF-4E. The ECR program was approved by the German parliament in May 1986 with …
Panavia Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat / Reconnaissance)
The Panavia Tornado ECR is a specialized variant of the Tornado multirole combat aircraft, designed for electronic combat and reconnaissance missions. Its advanced electronic warfare …
Panavia Tornado - The Aviationist
Dec 25, 2024 · Luftwaffe Panavia Tornado ECR, armed with an AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missile and an AGM-88 HARM air-to-ground missile, after refueling from a USAF Boeing KC …
Italy - Panavia Aircraft GmbH
IDS/ECR. Italy´s first Tornado was delivered to the 1 st Reparto Manutenzione Velivoli (RMV) - Aircraft Maintenance Unit - based at Cameri on 17 th May 1982. The 154 th Squadron of the 6 …
Panavia Tornado ECR - Fly a jet fighter
The Panavia Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat / Reconnaissance) is a specialized variant of the Tornado family of fighter aircraft, designed for electronic warfare and reconnaissance missions.
Panavia Tornado - Wikiwand
[a] There are three primary Tornado variants: the Tornado IDS (interdictor/strike) fighter-bomber, the Tornado ECR (electronic combat/reconnaissance) SEAD aircraft and the Tornado ADV (air …