Muzzle Velocity: PMC X-Tac, XM193 - AR15.COM
Mar 29, 2011 · Was wondering what the muzzle velocity is for the PMC X-Tac (2010 headstamp)... I also shot some PMC Bronze 55gr (2010), XM193 (2009), and some LC M855 (2008) This was not a formal shooting session and was only done to get an initial impression. Shooting was indoors, Chrono was appx 10ft from muzzle... Rifle: …
Bestter ammo to buy XM193 or PMC X-Tac? - AR15.COM
Jan 31, 2012 · I've not had any problems with X-TAC M855. Although I've not shot it nearly as much as the XM193 from Federal. I find in my rifle the XM193 tends to group better; however I have experienced popped primers and the like in XM193 lots. I think I'll be trying some more PMC though myself in the future.
{55 grain} PMC X-Tac vs IMI M193 - AR15.COM
Jan 7, 2023 · Shooting PMC 62 grain FMJ after IMI immediately opened up by 3 inches at 113.4 yards, compared to sub moa-1.5" moa groups of IMI M193. I was shooting out of 18 inch Cold Hammer forged barrel, great barrel I might add, but I thought it was a …
55 grain PMC Bronze vs Federal XM193 - AR15.COM
May 15, 2015 · PMC has a 5.56 offering (X-Tac) that isn't a whole lot more than their .223. I don't have a chrono but shooting Federal's XM193 then X-Tac (16" carbine) is still a night and day difference in recoil, the nose gets a good whoopin from the NTCH method with Federal.
Is PMC Bronze .223 Actually M193 Spec...? - AR15.COM
Dec 15, 2008 · The lot of PMC Bronze had the same POI as the S&B which indicates to me that the velocity is in the same ball park and BOTH shot much higher and with considerably more "Ooomph" than the Monarch. I personally think that the PMC is VERY good .223 ammo. It is BALL ammo and must be compared to other ball type ammo.
PMC X-TAC 55gr XP193? - AR15.COM
Jun 8, 2012 · Is PMC X-TAC 55gr XP193 the same mil-spec as XM193 in what is the letters after XM193 mean like XM193K, XM193BK or XM193J Posted: 6/8/2012 7:25:24 PM EDT [#1]
Fiochhi or PMC .223 ammo - any good? - AR15.COM
Aug 21, 2008 · PMC is great for shooting at paper targets. XM193 is fun to shoot, and its great to have for SHTF ammo, but it's not worth the extra $$$ just for poking holes in paper. (Unless your intention is on saving the LC brass for reloading, Then …
Federal Bulk vs PMC - AR15.COM
Sep 22, 2017 · 5.56 MEN shoots extremely good for me as well... so good, that if I could trade off my XM193 stash... I would do it in a heartbeat... but supply is limited. Wolf Gold , while more accurate shooting then XM193 and PMC Bronze , was still bested by both the above. PMC XTAC line has shot more accurately then the XM193 and PMC Bronze for me as well.
5.56 & M193 Velocity Shoot Off!!! (+ Bonus): Part I - AR15.COM
Nov 26, 2018 · Disappointingly, PMC X-TAC, Hornady Frontier and Magtech also seem to have the same downgraded velocity issues, about 100 fps slower from true M193 spec velocity. I had heard that current production IMI M193 has also been downgraded in velocity at the importer's request due to some complaints of popped primers.
XM193 vs PMC Bronze trajectory differences and zeroing
Jun 25, 2009 · I have PMC Bronze and XM193. I will probably be shooting more of the PMC simply because it's cheaper. Obviously PMC is slow, XM193 is fast. Will the difference in impact point be different enough at 100 yards that it matters which one I zero with (like an inch difference or more)? 16" barrel, if that matters.