What's the best way to defeat Ozma)? - GameFAQs
Nov 13, 2000 · Usually Ozma will cast meteor. If so, restart the game and start your 2nd attempt. Make sure you save before fighting Ozma. Then, just barrage Ozma with Shock, Dragon's …
Final Fantasy IX – Level One Ozma Challenge FAQ - GameFAQs
Oct 9, 2003 · Plus, according to my research, even Ozma uses Doomsday as her first attack and deals 9,999 damage on herself, and all four characters launch an all-out attack (Quina casts …
Final Fantasy IX - Ozma FAQ - PlayStation - GameFAQs
Jan 30, 2004 · ([email protected]) - Yan's reaction to beating Ozma before finding the spirits Samuel Lessard ([email protected]) - Information on Ozma's total HP and MP Drew Evans …
Final Fantasy IX Walkthrough & Guide - GameFAQs
Jun 20, 2023 · After the battle, Mene will give you the Ozma Card and Strategy Guide Key Item. The Ozma Card is a great playing card (it tends to have massive stats) while the Strategy …
How do you beat Ozma? - Final Fantasy IX Q&A for PlayStation
Nov 13, 2000 · Throwing a Tent at Ozma has a 50% chance of inflicting Blind, and Ozma will then waste a turn by using Esuna. Having characters be immune to Holy makes Ozma cast it …
Is it worth it to steal from Ozma? - Final Fantasy IX - GameFAQs
Ozma's the hardest thing in the game, by far. If you can kill him, then the final boss isn't going to give you any problems really, unless you're doing something like a low level game. So, it's not …
Final Fantasy IX – Low-Level Challenge Walkthrough - GameFAQs
Mar 8, 2006 · Being that Ozma at level one require the same concept as this one. Ozma at level one means you have to beat Ozma with a level one party. Level One game require you to beat …
Beating Ozma...and stealing all of his items - Final Fantasy IX
Protect can help, but you'd have to be able to foresee when Curse will hit, since it won't last enough to cover 2. Ozma can only use Curse on even-numbered turns. * Make sure to reduce …
Ozma Strategies - Final Fantasy IX - GameFAQs
Ozma is the only Final Fantasy super-boss I ever bothered to fight, and I remember managing to beat him on my first try. I found the key was carefully managing the pace of the battle. I made …
Any good way to avoid Ozma's curse? - Final Fantasy IX - GameFAQs
Actually, levels CAN help you out a bit, but not much. You have slightly better chance of not getting wiped out by Meteor + Curse, but still in most cases, you will still die to that combo. …