Oshun - Wikipedia
Shrine to Oshun in the Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove. Oshun (also Ọṣun, Ochún, and Oxúm) is the Yoruba orisha associated with love, sexuality, fertility, femininity, water, destiny, divination, …
Oxum: Orixa of Love and Beauty - Altar Gods
Apr 4, 2024 · Oxum is the female Orixá of love and beauty and is the only female Orixá believed to have participated in the creation of the world. She overlaps with many of the other Orixá, …
Oshun - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Oshun, Oxum u Ochun (en yoruba: Òşun) es una de las deidades de la religión yoruba. En la santería sincretiza con la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre , patrona de Cuba . Reina las aguas …
A Comprehensive Guide to Oshun, the Goddess of Love and Beauty
Oshun, also known as Oxum or Osun, is the revered Yoruba goddess of love, beauty, prosperity, and fertility. As a powerful and compassionate deity, she offers her followers guidance, …
Gain control over costs, minimize risks, and continually improve outcomes with OXUM by your side. OXUM CORPORATION is a full-scale, non-asset-based full truckload, less-than …
Oxum: quem é e significado na Umbanda, Candomblé e Igreja …
Oxum Iberi - é Oxum jovem, em sua forma mais bonita e vaidosa; Oxum Ijimu - outra qualidade mais velha de Oxum; Oxum Ipetu - é a versão de Oxum ligada a floresta e aos rios;
Oshun - Santeria Church of the Orishas
Oshun (also spelled Ochún, Oṣun or Oxum) is the youngest of the orishas and probably the most popular in Santeria. She was the last orisha born in the world out of Olodumare's love for …
Oxum - Candomblé
Apr 29, 2020 · Oxum embodies the natural energy of water. She is usually represented near a freshwater source, a river, a waterfall, but she is found in any type of water source. …
Oshun: The Yoruba Goddess of Love, Fertility and Water
Jul 10, 2023 · Oshun, also known as Oxum and Ochún, is a supreme being or Orisha of the Yoruba people – the largest ethnic group of southwestern Nigeria. In the Yoruba religion, she’s …
Brazil’s Black Sister Supernatural Queens – Oxum And Our
Jul 9, 2019 · Reinforcing her Afro-Brazilian identity is her spiritual symbiosis with the Orixá, Oxum, also known as Oshun. Oxum is associated with female strength, love, beauty, fertility, …
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