Oungan - Wikipedia
Oungan (also written as houngan) is the term for a male priest in Haitian Vodou (a female priest is known as a mambo). [1] The term is derived from Gbe languages (Fon, Ewe, Adja, Phla, Gen, Maxi and Gun).
Oungan | Vodou Priest, Vodou Rituals & Vodou Beliefs | Britannica
Oungan, in Vodou, a male priest who serves as a leader of rituals and ceremonies. A woman of the same position is referred to as a manbo. It is believed that oungans obtain their positions through dreamlike encounters with a lwa (spirit).
What is a Haitian Vodou male priest - Oungan - Voodoo Spells …
Oungan is a male priest in Haitian Vodou religion who is also known as houngan or makandalas. They run the temple, serve the community and Bondye the creator god.
Haitian Vodou - Wikipedia
An initiatory tradition, Vodouists commonly venerate the lwa at an ounfò (temple), run by an oungan (priest) or manbo (priestess). Alternatively, Vodou is also practised within family groups or in secret societies like the Bizango.
Haitian Vodou Revealed - Visit Haiti
Vodou religious leaders are respected figures in their communities, providing guidance, settling disputes, and providing medical care in the form of herbal healing. Priests – oungan – and priestesses – manbo – dedicate their lives to helping others and assisting them in …
Oungan - Wikiwand
Oungan (also written as houngan) is the term for a male priest in Haitian Vodou (a female priest is known as a mambo). The term is derived from Gbe languages (Fon, Ewe, Adja, Phla, Gen, Maxi and Gun). The word hounnongan means chief priest. Hounnongan or oungans are also known as makandals. Quick Facts Haitian Vodou Priest, Location ...
What does oungan mean? - Definitions.net
Oungan (also written as houngan) is the term for a male priest in Haitian Vodou (a female priest is known as a (mambo). The term is derived from Gbe languages (Fon, Ewe, Adja, Phla, Gen, Maxi and Gun). The word hounnongan means chief priest. ‘'Hounnongan or …
oungan | Britannica
Nov 2, 2016 · oungan, in Vodou, a male priest who serves as a leader of rituals and ceremonies. A woman of the same position is referred to as a manbo. It is believed that oungan s obtain their positions through dreamlike encounters with a lwa (spirit).
Ya Sezi Bo Oungan | Sacred Well Ministries
Ya Sezi bo Oungan offers here a great introduction, primer, and resource for those who are interested in Vodou or Kuzen. Papa Guede, the Bawons and the Guede Lwa represent the power and mystery of death, funerary rites and the afterlife in Haitian Vodou.
Oungan — Wikipedya
Oungan, pafwa ougan se non yo bay yon lidè espirityèl nan relijyon vodou. Li se òganizatè a nan seremoni yo. Lespri yo pase nan li pou transmèt yon mesaj nan mond lan nan ki ap viv la. Yon ougan gen kapasite pou li geri maladi sinatirèl, pou li predi sa ki gen pou pase, pou li bay yon moun pwoteksyon kont atak mistik.