Otto the Great - Wikipedia
Otto I (23 November 912 – 7 May 973), known as Otto the Great (German: Otto der Große Italian: Ottone il Grande) or Otto of Saxony (German: Otto von Sachsen Italian: Ottone di Sassonia), was East Frankish (German) king from 936 and Holy Roman Emperor from 962 until his death in 973.
Otto I | Holy Roman Emperor, Saxon King & Conqueror | Britannica
Otto I (born Nov. 23, 912—died May 7, 973, Memleben, Thuringia) was the duke of Saxony (as Otto II, 936–961), German king (from 936), and Holy Roman emperor (962–973) who consolidated the German Reich by his suppression of rebellious vassals and his decisive victory over the Hungarians.
Otton I Wielki – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Otton I Wielki (ur. 23 listopada 912, zm. 7 maja 973 w Memleben) – książę Saksonii 936–961, król niemiecki od 936 i cesarz rzymski od 962, z dynastii Ludolfingów. Był synem Henryka I Ptasznika, króla Niemiec i jego drugiej żony Matyldy z Ringelheim, córki saskiego hrabiego Dytryka. Otton został królem Niemiec w drodze elekcji w roku 936.
Оттон I Великий — Википедия
Отто́н I Вели́кий (нем. Otto I der Große; 23 ноября 912, Валльхаузен — 7 мая 973, Мемлебен) — герцог Саксонии (под именем Оттон II) в 936—961 годах, король Германии с 936 года, король Италии с 961 года, основатель и первый император Священной Римской империи с 962 года. Оттон — сын короля Германии Генриха I …
Otto I summary | Britannica
Otto I, known as Otto the Great, (born Nov. 23, 912—died May 7, 973, Memleben, Thuringia), Duke of Saxony (936–61), German king (936–73), and emperor (962–73). He extended the frontiers of the German kingdom, winning territory from the Slavs in the east, forcing the Bohemians to pay tribute (950), and gaining influence in Denmark and Burgundy.
Otton 1 biography. German king, Holy Roman Emperor
Otton 1 German king, Holy Roman Emperor. Date of Birth: 23.11.0912 Country: Germany. Biography of Otto I Otto I, a German king and Holy Roman Emperor, was born into the Saxon dynasty. He became king in 936 and emperor in 962. He faced challenges from separatist tribal dukes in Swabia, Bavaria, and Lotharingia. To strengthen his royal authority ...
Legacy of Otto I - Encyclopedia Britannica
By his victorious campaigns, he gave Germany peace and security from foreign attack, and the preeminent position that he won as ruler gave him a sort of hegemony in Europe.
History of Holy Roman Emperor Otto I (Otto the Great)
Feb 16, 2019 · Otto the Great (Nov. 23, 912—May 7, 973), also known as Duke Otto II of Saxony, was known for consolidating the German Reich and making significant advances for secular influence in papal politics. His reign is generally considered to be the true beginning of the Holy Roman Empire. He was elected king Aug. 7, 936 and crowned emperor Feb. 2, 962.
Otto the Great, the Powerful Holy Roman Emperor
Jan 1, 2025 · Born on November 23rd, 912 AD, Otto was the son of powerful Henry the Fowler, Duke of Saxony, and Matilda of Ringelheim, daughter to a great lord. Seven years later, his father, Henry, became the King of East Francia, the first non-Frankish king to sit the throne. This was the start of the so-called “Ottonian dynasty”.
Biografia de Otón I el Grande - Biografias y Vidas .com
Artífice de una profunda reorganización interna del reino alemán, auténtico fundador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico y vencedor de los magiares, Otón I fue sin duda la figura política más importante del siglo X europeo.