Gemsbuck (Oryx) | Shot Placement - YouTube
Sep 23, 2023 · Gemsbuck (Oryx) | Shot PlacementJoin us in this comprehensive video guide on achieving precise shot placement when hunting Gemsbuck, also known as Oryx. Unde...
Shot Placement on Oryx? - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
Sep 28, 2011 · Never have shot an oryx, but this should give you an idea of structure and plumbing: This is essentially like an elk except with a much shorter neck. It doesn't show the …
Shot Placement on Oryx? - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
Sep 28, 2011 · I'll be putting the stalk on a scimitar horned oryx in a bit over a week and would like to hear from those of you who have actually hunted oryx. I've been doing some research …
Shot Placement on Oryx? - Texas Hunting Forum
Sep 29, 2011 · Hey I guide for oryx and seen enough shots botched. Best place depends on caliber. For example a 243 or 220 swift neck shot with a ballistic tip will drop it like a sack of …
shot placement on a oryx - Texas Hunting Forum
Feb 7, 2012 · ya'll are crazy for recommending a .243 with core-lokts for shooting an oryx. get a real rifle and load it with some stout bullets. For it is not the quarry that we truly seek, but the …
Oryx questions (off range) | Rokslide Forum
Feb 19, 2022 · I shot my Oryx with a 340 WBY and 225 Accubond. It was a spot & stalk with a ~75 yard shot off sticks. Recovered the bullet on the off-side shoulder. Bull ran less than 50 …
Oryx Necropsy | Understanding Bullet Efficiency & Shot …
Wade dives into the guts of it, literally. He walks you through the necropsy of his Oryx and what he found with the performance of the 22 ARC.
Oryx Hunting - shakariconnection.com
All the oryx subspecies, including the Arabian and scimitar-horned oryx, are available to hunt on exotic game ranches in North America and South Africa. You can hunt a gemsbok in on …
6.5 CM for a once in a lifetime Oryx hunt. Give it to me straight
Jan 29, 2014 · I shot my Oryx with a 340 Wby at 70 yards, 225 Accubond. Double lung and lodged on far shoulder. I would not gamble a OIL hunt on the 6.5 Creedmoor. But hey, I’m just …
Shot placements - Pete Safaris
One example of this is when hunting Oryx (Gemsbuck), where even prepared hunters shoot these animals too high because of the predominant humped shoulder, that tricks people into …