Thai Basil Seeds - Organic Varieties - Johnny's Selected Seeds
Sow Thai basil seeds for authentic Thai basil flavor and rich aroma. Organic seed options. Trialed by our research team and 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
Sweet Thai - Organic Basil Seed - Johnny's Selected Seeds
Authentic Thai basil flavor. Try it as a flavorful garnish for sweet dishes. Green, 2" long leaves have a spicy, anise/clove flavor. Attractive purple ...
Thai Thai Prospera® Active DMR Organic Basil Seed - Johnny's …
The semi-compact plant stature of Thai Thai Prospera Active DMR makes it versatile for multiple uses. Excellent for live plant, bunching, or leaf-tip production. Compared to the plant habit of Sweet Thai, Thai Thai has larger leaves and a taller, fuller plant architecture.
Basil Seeds for Planting - Johnny's Selected Seeds
Over 40 options! From Genovese to Thai, purple to fine leaf, browse our extensive selection of basil seeds. Organic options. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
Holy Basil Seeds - Organic Varieties - Johnny's Selected Seeds
Compact Genovese Basil Compact Genovese Basil - Organic Varieties | Johnny's Selected Seeds Fine Leaf ... Common medicinal herb and ingredient in Thai teas, also known as Tulsi. Connect with Us. 877.564.6697. Get Email Updates. Sign up for …
Ornamental Basil Seeds - Organic Varieties - Johnny's Selected …
Fragrant and abundant, basil is an excellent filler for adding interest to casual bouquets. We offer stunning ornamental types, ranging in color from bright green to nearly black, to variegated. At Johnny’s, we select our cut flower basil for height, productivity, stem strength, color, and scent.
Everleaf Thai Towers - Basil Seed | Johnny's Selected Seeds
Exceptional Thai basil. Very slow-bolting, incredibly productive plant with vibrant Thai flavor. Compared to Sweet Thai, Everleaf Thai Towers has larger leaves at 2–3", a taller, more productive plant habit, and is much later to flower.
Lihi Prospera® Active DMR Organic Basil Seed
Compact Genovese basil with dense, slow-bolting plants produce large, 3–4", dark green, glossy, heavily cupped leaves. The Prospera® Active series offers even more resistance to downy mildew. Traditional Genovese aroma.
Prospera® DMR Basil Comparison Chart - Johnny's Selected Seeds
Noga Prospera® Active DMR – Organic Basil Variety from Johnny's Webinar Slide Deck | New-for-2023 Vegetables & Herbs | PDF Video: High-Value Crops & Varieties for Your Garden • Tutorial with Niki Jabbour
Prospera® DMR Basil Seeds - Johnny's Selected Seeds
Prospera basil provides resistance to downy mildew and Fusarium plus excellent aroma and flavor. Available organic and in NOP-compliant pelleted seed.