Oncolite - Wikipedia
Oncolites are sedimentary structures composed of oncoids, which are layered structures formed by the growth of one or more species of microorganisms, [1] usually containing cyanobacteria. [2] Oncolites are very similar to stromatolites, but, instead of forming columns, they form approximately spherical structures. [3]
What Is An Oncolite? - WorldAtlas
Mar 25, 2019 · An oncolite is a type of sedimentary structure that is composed of oncoids formed by cyanobacterial growth. Technically, only structures that have an oncoid volume greater than 50% should be referred to as an oncolite.
Pisolites and Oncoids - SEPM Strata
Pisolites form by the precipitation of calcium Carbonate around nuclei trapped in sediment within the vadose zone of soils or marine tidal flats (Figure 24). Oncoids form on the surface of intertidal and supratidal flats where Carbonate precipitates from salt water spray and marine flood waters.
Understanding the origin of Cambrian marine oncoids: A …
Jun 1, 2024 · Oncoids are defined as coated grains commonly larger than 2 mm in diameter (Tucker and Wright, 1990; Flügel, 2004). Their cortex is developed by irregular or concentric laminae around a nucleus, made of skeletal or non-skeletal grains (e.g., Zhang et al., 2015).
Oncoids: Comment to Recent Developments | SpringerLink
Oncoids are a group of algally (red algae excepted), cyanobacterially and bacteri-ally coated grains which originate(d) in marine and freshwater phreatic zones, although some workers prefer to use the term oncoids for all coated grains which are not ooids.
The mineralogy of carbonates; non-skeletal grains
Aug 30, 2019 · Oncoids are rounded, spherical to oblate, laminar growths of algae around a nucleus (shells, mud intraclasts, broken lumps of algal crust). Their dimensions are measured in centimetres. The algae usually associated with oncoids …
Oncoids - Carbonateworld
Oncoids Fitted grainstone/rudstone (sutured grain contacts due to compaction and pressure solution) with several mm-size oncoids attributed to the cyanobacteria Garwoodia (transgressive subtidal phase at base of peritidal cyclothems).
Oncoids are a group of algally (red algae excepted), cyanobacterially and bacteri ally coated grains which originate(d) in marine and freshwater phreatic zones, al though some workers prefer to use the term oncoids for all coated grains which are not ooids. Recent oncoids have been described from the lacustrine, fluvial and marine environments.
Oncoids comprise grains of suspected or inferred (non red-)algal, cyanobacterial and bacterial origin. There are two main groups of oncoids: spongiostromate oncoids and porostromate oncoids (Peryt 1981).
Oncoids | Article about Oncoids by The Free Dictionary
Find out information about Oncoids. A small, variously shaped , concentrically laminated, calcareous sedimentary structure resembling an oolith; formed by accretion of successive, layered... Explanation of Oncoids.
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