Olidammara - Greyhawk Wiki
Aug 1, 2013 · Olidammara is the god of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks. He is often called the Laughing Rogue. Olidammara is one of the more eccentric of the gods of Oerth.
Olidammara - Great Library of Greyhawk
Olidammara is the god of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks. He is often called the Laughing Rogue. Olidammara is one of the more eccentric of the gods of Oerth.
Olidammara (Deity) | TheAthasChronicle Wiki | Fandom
Olidimmara is a god in the world of Athas. He is one of twenty such deities to be counted among the Pantheonic Religion. In terms of the breadth of influence, he is considered an intermediate deity, though his tricks and double-crosses often beguile and enrage more powerful gods.
Olidammara, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities | The Thieves Guild
Olidammara is the god of rogues, bards and any who promote the good things in life, especially wine, revelry, music, humor and tricks. He is delighted to help give a moment of respite to ordinary people who are sorely lacking in times of misfortune.
Olidammara - Search - D&D Beyond
Gods of trickery — such as Tymora, Beshaba, Olidammara, the Traveler, Garl Glittergold, and Loki — are mischief-makers and instigators who stand as a constant challenge to the accepted.
Olidammara in Greyhawk - World Anvil
Olidammarans, as the clergy are known, are a particularly merry and lighthearted lot. They are determined to enjoy life and drag everyone else along for the ride, be it sober, drunk, kicking and screaming, or otherwise.
Olidammara in Greyhawk - World Anvil
Olidammara is the god of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks. He is often called the Laughing Rogue. Olidammara is one of the more eccentric of the gods of Oerth.
Canon:Olidammara - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Feb 16, 2012 · In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting and the 3rd Edition default pantheon of deities for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, Olidammara is the god of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks. He is often called the Laughing Rogue.
Olidammara – Deities – D&D Tools - Ark Alseif
Olidammara delights in wine, women, and song. He is a vagabond, a prankster, and a master of disguise. His temples are few, but many people are willing to raise a glass in his honor. Rogues and bards are frequently among his worshipers. His title is the Laughing Rogue. Portfolio: Rogues, music, revelry, tricks.
Olidammara | NWNWiki - Fandom
Olidammara is one of the more eccentric of the gods of Oerth. The Laughing Rogue is often involved in good-natured schemes involving the other gods (less good-natured for the more evil deities), with repercussions that can make life difficult for his faithful.