7 Solid Health Benefits of African Oil Bean Seed (Ukpaka or Ugba)
Nov 8, 2019 · African oil bean seed is a nutrient-packed food condiment native to Eastern Nigeria. It is popularly known as “Ukpaka” or “ugba” in Igbo land, “apara” in Yoruba land, and is called “Ukana” by the Efiks in Southern Nigeria. The botanical name …
African Oil Bean Seed: 20 Amazing Health Benefits Of …
Jan 20, 2022 · For those who do not know, the African oil bean seed, also known by its scientific name, Pentaclethra Macrophylla, is native to the tropical regions of Africa and has been cultivated since 1937. The crop belongs to the Leguminosae family and the Mimosoideae sub-family.
One of such unpopular but yet essential food is the African oil bean seed. African oil bean seed is a nutrient-packed natural food that has remained untapped and underused thus calls for immediate attention to be widely exploited.
Fermenting Ugba/Ukpaka (African Oil bean seed)
Jun 21, 2018 · Fermenting Ugba is key to enjoying Ugba related dishes. Ugba is sliced African oil bean seed which is a popular ingredient in eastern Nigerian cuisine.
The Nutritional Value of African Oil Bean Seeds - Healthfully
African oil bean seeds contain up to 44 percent protein, with all twenty essential amino acids. The seeds also contain essential fatty acids within the seed oil, as well as many minerals, particularly magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus and calcium, and trace amounts of vitamins.
Jan 7, 2020 · African oil bean seed (AOBS) also known as Ukpaka is one of several plants products commonly used in Nigeria as food. The edible seeds require tedious but careful processing and fermentation before they can be eaten as food supplement. The flat glossy brown edible seeds, averaging 8 (6-10) in number, are
African oil bean seed (pentaclethra macrophylla) and health benefits
Oct 12, 2022 · The African oil bean seed is called “Ukpaka”, or “Ugba” in Igbo land, “Apara” in Yoruba land and “Ukana” in Efik. It is a nutrient dense condiments containing the essential vitamins and minerals required for healthy living.
Pentaclethra macrophylla - Wikipedia
Pentaclethra macrophylla, also known as the African oil bean, tree is a large size tree with long bipinnate compound leaves that is endemic to West and Central Africa. It is within the family Fabaceae. Seeds of the species are prepared and fermented to make Ugba, a …
How to Make Boiled Yam & Ugba Sauce (African Oil-Bean Seed)
Apr 9, 2020 · Ugba is the Igbo name for fermented African Oil bean seed. It is also known as; Ukana in southern part of Nigeria by the Efik’s, Apara by Yoruba’s and Ukpaka by some other Igbo’s. Wash the smoked fish with clean water. Remove the …
10 Evidence-based Health Benefits Of Ugba seed - Diettherapyline
Dec 4, 2021 · Ugba seed (African oil bean seed) is a nutrient- packed food obtained from the fermentation of oil bean seeds. It is native to west Africa. However, the nutrient packed food plays a pivotal role in the body, and covers a wide range of health benefits including cardiovascular health, immune system, antiinflammatory properties, reproductive ...