Ogmios - Wikipedia
Ogmios (sometimes Ogmius; Ancient Greek: Ὄγμιος) is the name given to a Celtic god of eloquence described in Heracles, a c. 175 CE work of the Syrian satirist Lucian. Lucian's Heracles is a short text, intended to be read aloud before a longer public performance.
Ogmios | God of Speech, Gaulish God, Celtic God | Britannica
Ogmios, Celtic god of Gaul identified with the Roman Hercules. He was portrayed as an old man with swarthy skin and armed with a bow and club. He was also a god of eloquence, and in that aspect he was represented as drawing along a company of …
Ogmios Celtic God: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Celtic Deity
This section delves into the powerful deity Ogmios, his connection to the Irish deity Ogma, and the association of his name with the Ogham alphabet. Ogmios: The Powerful Celtic Deity. Ogmios, a revered Celtic god, holds a significant place in Celtic mythology.
Ogmios - Gallic Deities, Celtic Mythology - timelessmyths.com
Ogmios, a Gallic deity equated with Hercules, is celebrated for his strength and eloquence. Often depicted as an elder with a lion's hide cloak, he captivates followers through golden chains linking their ears to his mouth, symbolizing his oratory power.
Ogmios - World Mythos
Dec 14, 2024 · Ogmios is a fascinating figure in Gaulish mythology, representing a unique blend of wisdom, eloquence, and strength. This ancient Celtic deity is often depicted as a powerful god associated with communication and speech , making him an important figure in the cultural and spiritual life of the Gauls.
Ogmios - Gods and Monsters
Discover the enigmatic Ogmios, a Celtic deity embodying the persuasive power of words, guiding minds towards enlightenment and understanding.
Ogmios — Wikipédia
Ogmios est un dieu de la mythologie celtique gauloise que l'on retrouve dans la mythologie celtique irlandaise sous le nom d'Ogme. Le dossier d'Ogme rejoint celui de l’Ogmios celtique continental.
Ogmios - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Ogmios u Ogmión era el dios galo de la elocuencia y de la escritura, de su nombre deriva oghámico, ya que se supone que fue él quien inventó el alfabeto oghámico a base de muescas y rayas grabadas sobre piedra o madera. Representado como un anciano calvo y maltrecho por la edad, vestido con piel de león y lleva maza, arco y carcaj.
Ogmios – Druid Hearth: Site of Cunolugus Drugaisos
Ogmios is unique among Gaulish deities because we are given both a physical description of him as well as his function by the Syrian satirist Lucian of Samosata, who wrote in Greek. The name of Ogmios is also invoked on two defixiones (curse tablets), which will be discussed below.
Ogmios - Wikipedia
Immagine di Ogmios situata nella Biblioteca del Congresso a Washington. Ogmios (in greco antico: Ὄγμιος?) è una divinità celtica.