Oshun - Wikipedia
Oshun (also Ọṣun, Ochún, and Oxúm) is the Yoruba orisha associated with love, sexuality, fertility, femininity, water, destiny, divination, purity, and beauty, and the Osun River, and of wealth and prosperity in Voodoo. [1][2][3] She is considered the most popular and venerated of …
Oshun - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Òşun (pronunciado Oshún) es una divinidad del Panteón yoruba Orisha del río del mismo nombre que corre en Nigeria, en Ijeşá e Ijebu. Era, según dicen, la segunda mujer de Şangô, aunque vivió antes con Ogun, Orunmila y Òshosì.
Ochún - AboutSanteria
Ochún (Oshún) is the youngest of all the Orichás, according to most patakís (sacred stories). When Olodumare finished creating the earth, he sat back and contemplated his work. He realized something was missing: sweetness and love, the two things that would make live worth living.
Oshun - Santeria Church of the Orishas
Oshun is the orisha of sweetness, love and everything that makes life worth living. This is Oshún is Ibú Asedán – a road of Oshun that loves to hunt. Oshun (also spelled Ochún, Oṣun or Oxum) is the youngest of the orishas and probably the most popular in Santeria. She was the last orisha born in the world out of Olodumare’s love for creation.
Oshun - World History Encyclopedia
Oct 1, 2021 · Oshun (pronounced O- shan, also given as Osun) is a supernatural entity recognized as both a spirit and a goddess in the Yoruba religion of West Africa. She presides over fertility, love, and freshwater, is the patroness of the Osun River in Nigeria, and is honored annually at the Osun-Osogbo Festival.
Oshun | Yoruba Goddess of Love, Fertility & Abundance | Britannica
Oshun, an orisha (deity) of the Yoruba people of southwestern Nigeria. Oshun is commonly called the river orisha, or goddess, in the Yoruba religion and is typically associated with water, purity, fertility, love, and sensuality.
Oshun (Òșún): The Yoruba Divinity of Love and Fertility
Oshun (Òşun), Orisha venerated in southwestern Nigeria by the Yoruba people, embodies divine femininity. This maternal deity, synonymous with water, purity, fertility, love and sensuality, plays an essential role in the lives and beliefs of its devotees.
A Comprehensive Guide to Oshun, the Goddess of Love and Beauty
Oshun, also known as Oxum or Osun, is the revered Yoruba goddess of love, beauty, prosperity, and fertility. As a powerful and compassionate deity, she offers her followers guidance, healing, and protection.
Oshun, la diosa del amor: quién es, ofrenda, oraciones, caminos y …
May 9, 2023 · Oshun es una de las principales deidades de la religión o mitología yoruba. Esta representa al amor y a las aguas dulces, es decir, a los ríos. Desde otros puntos de vista es aquella que da intensidad de los sentimientos, la sensualidad humana, el amor y la feminidad. Asimismo, es vista como la protectora y defensora de las embarazadas.
Oshun: The River Orisha and Goddess of Love - Original Botanica
Feb 3, 2023 · Oshun is an Orisha in the Yoruba faith that influences the pleasurable aspects of life. She is the granter of wishes, the grower of love, and the giver of laughter. Oshun (or Ochun) is the beloved Yoruban goddess of love. As such, she exudes the traits of love, sweetness, beauty, and sensuality.
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