Object 75 - "Chekhov's Gun" - The Backrooms
Chekhov’s Gun seems to only manifest when a wanderer is threatened by an aggressor that will bring them harm, such as an entity or hostile human. Usually, the wanderer that is being threatened will see it at the last second, only having a short window to …
Obiekt 775 - Wikipedia
The Obiekt 775, or Object 775 (Объект 775), was a Soviet experimental missile tank built in 1964. The tank had an extremely low profile, with a crew of two which sat in an isolated compartment in the turret.
Object 75 - “契诃夫之枪” - The Backrooms中文维基
Object 75,也被称作 契诃夫之枪,这把神奇的武器会在人们最有需要时出现。 标准莫辛-纳甘步枪的示例。 这不是真正的契诃夫之枪。 契诃夫之枪 的外观与一把标准的莫辛-纳甘步枪相同 1。 …
Amounts paid to persons who provide personal services subject to the direction and control of a state agency (employer/employee relationship) are to be classified as salaries and wages, except for those persons who are considered employees for payroll tax reporting only (refer to …
Backrooms Explained Object 75 Chekhov's Gun - YouTube
Feb 7, 2024 · #backrooms #explained #object #readings #liminalspace #object74 #warp #berries #berry #strawberry #bntg #meg "Object 75 - Chekhov's Gun" by Derrick770, from the Backrooms Wiki. Source:...
Obiekt 785 - Wikipedia
The Obiekt 785, or Object 785 (Объект 785), was a Soviet experimental main battle tank built in the late 1970s. [1] It was an improved variant of the T-80B, with seven road wheels. [2] The tank was testing the new generation 125 mm 2A82 smoothbore gun, carrying 50 rounds of ammunition, 30 of which in the loading mechanism. [3]
Objects List - The Backrooms Wiki
Discover the Backrooms' variety of objects: tools, consumables, ancient artifacts and more from Object 0 to Object 99.
12 Things That Are About 75 Feet (ft) Long - dimensionofstuff.com
May 17, 2024 · Seventy-five feet is pretty extensive, and a few things around could be used to estimate the sizes. Lucky for you, here we look at some things that measure 75 feet or can be combined to give the same length. 1. Fire hose. The standard length for a fire hose is 50 feet.
Messier 75 - Wikipedia
Messier 75 or M75, also known as NGC 6864, is a giant globular cluster of stars in the southern constellation Sagittarius. [a] It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1780 and included in Charles Messier's catalog of comet-like objects that same year. [8]
14 Common Items That Weigh About 75 Pounds - Weight of Stuff
May 16, 2024 · Whatever our motive to learn about items weighing around 75 pounds or 34.01kg is, we can have lots of fun in the process. When compiling the list below of common items weighing this amount or thereabouts, we considered mostly medium-sized objects.