Ọbatala – Mythopedia
Apr 26, 2023 · Obatala, also known as Orisa-nla, is the Yoruba god of creation, purity, and creativity and the deity responsible for forming children in the womb. He is one of the oldest and most important of the oriṣas—the gods of the Yoruba pantheon. The Supreme Being, Olorun (also known as Olodumare), chose Obatala to create the earth and human beings.
Eshu - Mythopedia
Apr 26, 2023 · Eshu and Obatala (the god of creation and purity) have a complex relationship, with Obatala often serving as the target of Eshu’s tricks. In one particular tale of mischief, Eshu entered Obatala’s garden and stole some of his yams. He then used Obatala’s own slippers to make footprints in the garden.
Oduduwa – Mythopedia
Apr 26, 2023 · Oduduwa and Obatala are often symbolized by a closed white calabash (a kind of gourd). The lid of the gourd represents Ọbatala, the symbol of heaven, while the bottom represents Oduduwa, the earth. This image presents Oduduwa and Obatala as a single androgynous deity. Older myths of the goddess depict her as the embodiment of virtue.
Olorun – Mythopedia
Apr 26, 2023 · Olorun has multiple manifestations or forms. As Olodumare, he is called the “Great Everlasting Majesty” and is worshipped as creator of the universe. He was the one who decided the earth should be created, assigning the task to Obatala. As Olorun, the god is known as the “Owner of Heaven,” serving as the sky god and father of all oriṣas.
Olokun – Mythopedia
Apr 26, 2023 · Olokun’s most famous myth is related to the creation of the earth. According to this story, Obatala thought that the watery abyss below the gods’ heavenly home would benefit from the creation of land—a place where humankind could live. Thus, Obatala (along with many other gods) descended from the skies to begin creating land and mankind.
Orunmila – Mythopedia
Apr 26, 2023 · Orunmila is one of the primordial gods of Yoruba mythology; he served as Obatala’s advisor in his mission to create the earth and humanity. After the creation of the world, Orunmila was able to move freely between heaven and earth and therefore became the messenger god.
Yoruba Religion – Mythopedia
Oct 2, 2023 · Priests of Obatala in their temple in Ife, by Dierk Lange (2000). Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 2.5. Candomblé is the syncretic religion of Brazil; it is a fusion of traditional Yoruba beliefs with Christianity. The Candomblé gods are known as orixas rather than orishas, and many of these gods have different names.
Orishas - Mythopedia
Jun 1, 2023 · The orishas are the primary gods of the Yoruba pantheon, consisting of over 400 deities. The Supreme Being, Olorun, rules this pantheon from his home in the heavens.
Ogun – Mythopedia
Apr 26, 2023 · Ogun is the Yoruba god of iron, metalwork, hunting, warfare, and truth. He is also a pioneer of civilization and technology and often removes obstacles for his worshippers.
Ṣhango – Mythopedia
Apr 26, 2023 · Shango is a Yoruba god of many domains, including thunder, lightning, fire, virility, dance, and justice. Legend has it that he was once a tyrannical king of Oyo.