Fed has been removed from OfflineTv : r/offlineTV - Reddit
OTV had a real chance of breaking up last year if it wasn't for Fed. The whole thing is just really complex and I think a blanket "Fed is a disgustingly vile person" is doing disservice to what this means for everyone.
A reason Fed was kicked OTV: Scarra had an intervention with
Jun 29, 2020 · The OTV people are too kind imo . Fed is not a good person he's clever, manipulative and doesn't seem to show much empathy only self interest. He'll pretend to get help but he won't change because he's calculated and knows exactly what he is doing. I knew a person like him once and he was very smart and purposeful.
A compilation of what had happened so far : r/offlineTV - Reddit
Does anyone remember Fed saying to the public/OTV housemates that he has jerked off in their rooms, and even in their beds? I vividly remember that being said more than once by him but want to make sure others remember too.
Fedmyster releases his statement. : r/offlineTV - Reddit
Nov 25, 2020 · From what I've seen, the Yvonne thing really stands out because Poki explicitly said Fed talked shit about her and made them consider firing her, when in the DMs, Poki is the one who brings up the idea, Poki said it was Fed calling her lazy or that she doesn't work hard enough, in the DMs Poki is the one that notices the actions and behaviour ...
Goodbye Fed : r/offlineTV - Reddit
Fed was the reason I became a fan of OTV. I started watching his youtube videos, which were just clips from his streams. Then, I watches started following his Twitch, and before I knew it, I started watching OTV because I wanted to see Fed in more stuff. I know he's sorry for what he did. I'm not gonna say goodbye right now.
Yvonne’s Truth : r/offlineTV - Reddit
Jun 28, 2020 · I wonder if OTV ever had an intervention with Fed on alcohol. It would have possibly circumvent a lot of these problems assuming Fed didn't do it on purpose. I never liked when Fed or even Lily do drunk streams. especially when certain chatters continue to encourage them to drink way past their limits.
Fuslie on how Fed badmouthed OfflineTV : r/LivestreamFail - Reddit
Jun 30, 2020 · The root of many of OTV's problems in the first place is due to Fed's manipulation of their interpersonal relationships within and outside of the house. He placed himself at the center of these relationships hence became the only avenue for which these issues can be resolved.
OTV yvonne statement : r/LivestreamFail - Reddit
Jun 28, 2020 · Fed was the one Yvonne was talking about on Dr. K. He also tried giving a massage to Lily after her break up with Albert, followed by drunkenly telling her he liked her. This was within two weeks of the break up. Lily's twitlonger is largely the same when it …
Fed is not OTV. : r/offlineTV - Reddit
Jun 28, 2020 · OTV might disband, but Fed leaving is the right choice, and not to blame anyone for it, as he is the only one to blame. He didn't held anything together if he made people constantly feel unsafe and uncomfortable.
I'm so disappointed in some of OTV fans : r/offlineTV - Reddit
Jun 28, 2020 · I believe the overwhelming amount of justification of Fed’s actions comes from a place of denial. OTV fans, including myself, are having a very difficult time actually understanding and coming to terms with the events that unfolded. Ne