Plywood vs OSB | Contractor Talk - Professional Construction and ...
Feb 16, 2007 · One 23/32" 4'x 8' OSB piece would weigh approximately 78 lbs. Plywood is approximately 15% to 19% lighter than OSB. While the additional weight of OSB does not mean increased strength, it just means that it is heavier to handle on the job. In addition, OSB's higher weight means higher thermal conductivity (thus slightly less R value) than plywood.
OSB roof decking thickness - 7/16", 1/2", or 5/8" - Contractor Talk
Aug 7, 2011 · Currently we space rafters 16" oc and use 7/16" OSB with H clips. We're in Dallas so we don't engineer for tremendous live loads for an asphalt shingle and we feel comfortable with 16" oc rafter spacing and 7/16" OSB decking. I'm contemplating upgrading to 1/2" or even 5/8" OSB though to reduce roof sag hopefully to nil.
Steel Roof on OSB Failures - Contractor Talk
May 7, 2023 · Meanwhile the upper OSB layer is rotting away unknown and causing serious structural damage to the SIP integrity. This one is a big mess soon. Brother in law has a pole barn with 2' OC trusses, 1/2" OSB, with failing and leaking screws on steel roof panels being the vast majority are just in the OSB. It's really a bad mixture over time.
OSB with Tyvek or zip system sheathing - Contractor Talk
Jan 3, 2015 · The house we are doing now had 260 sheets for the exterior so about $1800 for osb. $300 for tyvek. 3 rolls of titanium $300. 10 rolls of ice and water $600 2 laborers for 2 days $500. So $3500 (roughly) vs $7800 for zip, plus another $300 for zip tape. $600 for I've and water.
OSB under rubber roof - Contractor Talk
Apr 27, 2008 · When I was a Super for a production roofing corp in Arizona, the tract houses were sheathed with OSB, but the edges (about 16-24" in) at the perimeter of the roof (eaves & rakes) were all done with plywood because if they got wet, they'd hold up better. The problem with OSB is that "if" it gets wet, there's no fixing it or dealing with it.
OSB and Rain ..... - Contractor Talk
Oct 17, 2006 · I use Advantek :thumbup: OSB for floor and roof sheathing. It took me a long time to make the change from plywood, but I am impressed with the stuff. It also has a 50 year warranty:w00t: , I don't know of a ply that has such. The regular OSB is different however, it will swell if it smells rain. I do use it, but we cover it ASAP when we do.
felt paper or not under metal rofing - Contractor Talk
Dec 9, 2006 · most codes and good roofing practice would require felt. with metal roofing its also a good idea to put a layer of red rosin paper between the felt "or Ice&water shield" and the metal that way it wont potentialy stick to it and cause oil canning and would allow for expansion. RooferJim www.jbennetteroofing.com
Rigid Foam Board under sheathing - Contractor Talk
May 10, 2009 · Some builders/ townships required or had options for 12' osb corners. We did have to nail seams every 2-4" and every 4-6" in the field with 1 3/4 roofing nails. Moisture resistance was the reasoning for the celotex, it is very humid near the Mississippi river. We also strapped all exterior headers and any over 4' interior headers.
nailing versus stapling | Contractor Talk - Professional …
May 7, 2010 · Keep in mind OSB has only been used since the 90's at least in my area. Of course I feel if plywood has been wet at some point it will have issues down the road. On reroofs we put down 7/16 OSB but on new we put down 1/2 OSB.
Attaching plywood for roof sheathing? Screws? - Contractor Talk
Jul 26, 2007 · Anyway, I did the roof but I think I'll stick with OSB sheathing, there aren't any voids that I have ever found, and it seems to be stronger than 1/2 inch plywood, unless you buy 5/8 or 3/4 inch stuff. But the Canadian stuff is the best.