Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations - United States Department of State
The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations is the single real property manager for the planning, acquisition, design, construction, operations, maintenance, and …
About Us - Overseas Buildings Operations - United States …
Design and Engineering (DE): serves as OBO’s code officials and provides design, research and technical assistance bureau-wide for all Department of State facilities overseas. Cost …
home | obolife | workplace
We focus on the physical and emotional wellbeing of people in the workplace; using intelligent design to help foster an inclusive and collaborative environment. We are passionate about our …
The Office of Residential Design and Furnishings (OBO/OPS/RDF): Responsibilities apply only to the designated representational residences of the ambassador/chief of mission, deputy chiefs …
OBO provides project oversight, design and engineering reviews, cost estimating, and other support services for the development of safe and secure facilities around the world.
Department of State | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide
In concert with other State Department bureaus, foreign affairs agencies, and Congress, OBO sets worldwide priorities for the design, construction, acquisition, maintenance, use, and sale …
Introductions & Presentations – Overseas Buildings Operations
Curious about OBO’s process for design and construction? Our introduction presentations break down how projects are built, from real estate planning and acquisitions through commissioning …
Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations - Wikipedia
The United States Department of State Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) is responsible for overseeing the construction, management, and operations of U.S. diplomatic …
OBO is a woman-led full service architecture and design firm located in Brooklyn, New York.
OBO International | OBO
Find out more about the OBO powerhouse: With the Delta-Push® anchors made from plastic, we are setting new standards in plug-in technology. Simple mounting, flexible application, high …