COPD- 98% O2 sat? - General Nursing Support - allnurses
May 23, 2011 · When the order reads "Keep Sat 90-92%" means you may titrate the O2 up to maintain that Sat..... You don't have to decrease the O2 to get to that Sat(90-92) especially when the patient is short of breath. You can have a good O2 Sat and still feel SOB and you don't have to wait until you have a low O2 Sat to treat the patient.
The lowest O2 saturation I've ever seen - Critical Care - allnurses
Dec 1, 2013 · Over the course of about 36 hours the patients O2 sats dropped steadily even with the prone therapy. She favored laying on her right side (good lung down) for her best sat in the 60s. She quickly desatted to the 20s when flat prone and came up to …
O2 Sats..bad if 100%..? - General Nursing Support - allnurses
Apr 10, 2008 · Meaning that you will get a higher O2 sat despite lower PaO2. So a 100% sat on a COPD could mean uncompensated respiratory acidosis. #3 2,3-DPG or 2,3-Disphosphoglycerate (is an organophosphate, which is created in erythrocytes during glycolysis) shifts the curve to the right. Meaning lower sat's despite good PaO2.
Applying Oxygen when O2sat is 99% on RA - Ob/Gyn Nursing
Jan 11, 2006 · Would you put O2 at 8-10L via mask on this patient? Why? My first (new nurse) thought would be to apply oxygen but when I saw her O2 sat at 99%, I hesitated. Another RN came into the room and immediately applied the oxygen mask. After the day was over, I spent some time online searching for evidence proving that oxygen administration would have ...
O2 Sat 88%-90%, MD no action, opinions. - allnurses
Aug 25, 2010 · Some become just focused on the SpO2. Sometimes a doctor may need to be made aware of more than just a "sat" to adequately determine if this oxygenation level is appropriate. Every situation may have a different minimun oxygenation requirement. Sepsis will be situation where more O2 will be needed if a protocol is in place.
O2 Sat is 100% but the hemoglobin is 5g/100ml.. what is
Mar 7, 2009 · a patient has O2 sat= 100% and we dont think they're hypoxic.. but then the tissues have 5g/100ml=tissue hypoxia.. so what? why is this important?' my professor gave us an example btw three patients. all the pts have O2 sat of 100%.. the only difference is the Hgb. pt 1 has Hgb of 5g/100ml . pt2 2 Hgb of 10g/100ml.
Low O2 sat - General Student Support - allnurses
Apr 4, 2007 · A "low sat" is a low oxygen saturation. O2 sat is a measurement of oxygen in the blood/hemeglobin. It gives a picture as to how the body is oxygenating itself. Any number of conditions could cause a drop in sat, from sedation from narcotics, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, congestive heart failure, atelectasis, and anemia.
Applying Oxygen when O2sat is 99% on RA - Page 2 - allnurses
Jan 11, 2006 · Would you put O2 at 8-10L via mask on this patient? Why? My first (new nurse) thought would be to apply oxygen but when I saw her O2 sat at 99%, I hesitated. Another RN came into the room and immediately applied the oxygen mask. After the day was over, I spent some time online searching for evidence proving that oxygen administration would have ...
O2 question: 80s on room air?! What to do?!?! - allnurses
Oct 23, 2016 · What the nurse may have been doing with the admit, is looking for the O2 orders. You will find with COPDers with a detailed history, the physician may have O2 delivery perimeters outside of the "normal" range. Like "2L per NC PRN to keep O2 sats between 87-91" or whatever because that is the saturation level proven to be best for that patient.
pre and post ductual oxygen saturations - NICU, Neonatal - allnurses
Jan 12, 2015 · This is where I get confused but I think you would want both pre and post pretty much equal. Yoy would be looking at a difference no greater than 2 or 3% in the pre and post ductal saturations.