38 - Unoffical Number Lore Wiki
Dec 3, 2024 · 38 is the thirty-eighth number in the Number Lore series, as they first debuted (and the 3 died) in Number Lore | 38 (Part 1). In their titular episode, 404 teleports to 38 and opens …
38 (Episode) | Unoffical Number Lore Wiki | Fandom
Number Lore | 38 is the 38th and last episode in the Number Lore series before Soup Earth Society quit the lore community. The episode was split into 3 parts, making them the 39th, …
38/Gallery | Unoffical Number Lore Wiki | Fandom
This wiki has changed to the Soup Earth Society wiki because it's more about all his content and not just Number Lore.
38 (Episode)/Transcript | Unoffical Number Lore Wiki | Fandom
19's 9 throws 38's 3 to Space, 36 watches in shock. 38 's 3 crashes into the UFO, 19 's 9 follows him and kicks him to the ground. The 3 lands on the ground, causing an explosion and killing …
Unoffical Number Lore Wiki
Number Lore is an animated web fanseries created by Soup Earth Society, based off the popular iconic series, Alphabet Lore. It should not be confused with the ongoing second season of …
𝑖 | Unoffical Number Lore Wiki | Fandom
𝑖 is the main antagonist of Soup Earth Society's Number Lore series. He is voiced by Soup Earth Society. He first debuted in 5, and throughout his appearances, he causes several antics to …
Unoffical Number Lore Wiki - Fandom
Soup Earth Society is a Floridian animator who is most known for creating his very own Number Lore, which is based on Mike Salcedo's Alphabet Lore. This Wiki has a clear set of rules in …
List of episodes | Unoffical Number Lore Wiki | Fandom
This wiki has changed to the Soup Earth Society wiki because it's more about all his content and not just Number Lore.
List of Characters | Unoffical Number Lore Wiki | Fandom
Oct 7, 2023 · This is the list of all Number Lore Characters. Placeholder Visit Characters By Rainbow Order
8 | Unoffical Number Lore Wiki | Fandom
8 is a supporting protagonist and the eighth number to appear in the Number Lore series, as he first made a cameo in Number Lore | 7. He first died from getting obliterated by 9 but was later …