Nucleotide - Wikipedia
This nucleotide contains the five-carbon sugar deoxyribose (at center), a nucleobase called adenine (upper right), and one phosphate group (left). The deoxyribose sugar joined only to the nitrogenous base forms a Deoxyribonucleoside called deoxyadenosine, whereas the whole structure along with the phosphate group is a nucleotide, a constituent of DNA with the name deoxyadenosine monophosphate.
Nucleotide - National Human Genome Research Institute
1 day ago · A nucleotide is the basic building block of nucleic acids (RNA and DNA). A nucleotide consists of a sugar molecule (either ribose in RNA or deoxyribose in DNA) attached to a phosphate group and a nitrogen-containing base.
Home - Nucleotide - NCBI
The Nucleotide database is a collection of sequences from several sources, including GenBank, RefSeq, TPA and PDB. Genome, gene and transcript sequence data provide the foundation for biomedical research and discovery.
Nukleotide – Wikipedia
Als Nukleotide, auch Nucleotide, werden die Bausteine von Nukleinsäuren sowohl in Strängen der Ribonukleinsäure wie auch der Desoxyribonukleinsäure bezeichnet. Ein Nukleotid setzt sich aus einem Basen-, einem Zucker- und einem Phosphatanteil zusammen. Während Nukleoside nur aus dem Basen- und dem Zuckeranteil bestehen, enthalten ...
Nucleotide - Definition, Structure (3 Parts), Examples & Function
Oct 29, 2016 · Nucleotide structure is simple, but the structure they can form together is complex. Below is an image of DNA. This molecule consists of two strands which wrap around each other, forming hydrogen bonds in the middle of the structure for support. Each nucleotide within has a specific structure which enables this formation.
Nukleotid – Wikipédia
Každý nukleotid sa skladá z troch častí: fosfátovej zložky (zvyšku kyseliny fosforečnej), sacharidovej zložky (buď je ňou ribóza, vtedy sa nazýva ribonukleotid, alebo je ňou deoxyribóza, vtedy sa nazýva deoxynukleotid) a dusíkatej bázy - purínovej (adenín, guanín) alebo pyrimidínovej (cytozín, tymín, uracil).
Nukleotid – Wikipédia
A nukleotid bázisa lehet purin vagy pirimidin. A cukor komponens lehet dezoxiribóz (DNS esetén) vagy ribóz (RNS esetén). A foszfát lehet mono-, di- vagy trifoszfát. A foszfátcsoport nélküli nukleotidot nukleozidnak nevezzük. A DNS/RNS molekulában a nukleotidok egymással szemben párokat alkotnak, melyeket bázispároknak nevezzük.
Nucleotide Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary
May 25, 2022 · Nucleotide Definition. A nucleotide is regarded as the basic building block of nucleic acid (e.g. DNA and RNA).A nucleic acid, in turn, is one of the major groups of biomolecules (the others are carbohydrates, proteins, and amino acids).
Nukleotidi – Wikipedija
Svaki se nukleotid sastoji od pet-ugljičnog šećera za koji su vezane fosfatna skupina i dušikova baza. Šećer može biti D - riboza (kod RNK-a) ili D - deoksiriboza (kod DNK-a). Fosfat je fosfoesterskom vezom spojen s 5'- ugljikom u šećeru, dok je baza vezana za 1'-ugljik.
Нуклеотид — Википедија
Afrikaans; العربية; الدارجة; Azərbaycanca; Bahasa Indonesia; Bahasa Melayu; Български; 閩南語 / Bân-lâm-gú; Башҡортса ...