SmartCarry The Invisible Holster
With a SmartCarry holster, you’re perfectly concealed in anything from a suit and tie to jeans or even workout clothes; and because it has its own waistband, there’s no need to wear a belt or clip anything to your pants so you’re free to wear what you want without sacrificing your ability to defend yourself and your loved ones.
Looking for best iwb worn with no undershirt | Defensive Carry
Jul 1, 2018 · I routinely carry IWB with no undershirt, but my shirt is tucked in, so the holster isn't normally against bare skin. For the infrequent times I do carry against bare skin, I have found the Nelson Stealth very comfortable.
What is the best way to conceal carry with no shirt? : r/CCW - Reddit
Jul 22, 2023 · Fanny pack or one of those crossover chest ones. Pocket carry is an options as well, ankle carry it wearing long pants. Or be a badass and shoulder holster with no shirt on and scare the yard work away.
How do you carry wearing only a T-shirt? - 1911Forum
Oct 21, 2002 · i carry a commander sized gun in an OWB in just a pair of baggy shorts and t-shirt (no undershirt). it's not noticeable, and i don't stress if i wear a white shirt or a dark shirt. it does rub up against me, but it's not a big deal. i'd much rather have the gun and be a little uncomfortable than not have it and be put into a situation where i ...
How To Conceal Carry OWB | Concealed Carry Society
Jan 14, 2025 · Layering is one of the easiest ways to conceal an OWB holster. Lightweight jackets, flannel shirts, or casual blazers can effectively cover your firearm while blending into your everyday wardrobe. Choose layers that are easy to remove if …
Tuckable Holsters: Options for Wearing a Gun under Tucked-in Shirts
Feb 6, 2019 · Wearing a handgun under a tucked shirt will require the removal of the tucked garment from on top of the gun, but tuckable holsters seem to pin the garment rather tightly. Like all things related to concealed carry, this is just my experience and opinion, and there are many who utilize tuckable holsters with success.
No Belt? No Problem. Here’s How to Carry Without One
Aug 31, 2023 · The easiest way to carry beltless is to swap the polymer belt clip on your current holster for the DCC Monoblock clip. This type of metal clip works with or without a belt, adding versatility.
Shoulder Gun Holster for concealed carry - Active Pro Gear
Dec 22, 2021 · The Shoulder Gun Holster will conceal carry your pistol under a plain shirt. No need for a suit or jacket! Provides fast access to your gun.
Concealed Carry with a Tucked Shirt – 3 Ways to Do It.
There are three ways to conceal a pistol with a tucked shirt. Using a holster with tuckable belt clips or a belly band allows tucking a shirt over a holstered pistol. Also, holster clips called ulticlips that attach to pants allow shirts to be tucked over holstered pistols. The Video Shows How to use Ulticlips and Tuckable Belt Clips
TarnKappe Gear Conceal Carry Apparel – Tarnkappe Gear
Shirts designed for concealed carriers, "greyman". Print reducing patterns, minimal branding, hidden snaps, purposely designed to be roomier around the waistband to accommodate your gear, tapered hem line for appropriate concealment and shorter shirt length for effortless clearing of your garment.