NLAW - Wikipedia
The Saab Bofors Dynamics NLAW (pronounced: enn-LAH, / ˈɛnlɔː /), also known as the MBT LAW or RB 57, is a fire-and-forget, lightweight shoulder-fired, and disposable (single-use) line of sight (LOS) missile system, designed for infantry use. The missile uses a soft-launch system and is guided by predicted line of sight (PLOS).
NLAW - Anti-tank weapon - Saab
With a combat range of 20–800 m and a single shape charge, NLAW is the best anti-tank weapon for infantries and dismounted troops in complex terrain. Extremely flexible, NLAW can attack from almost any position, from up high in a building to behind a tree or in a ditch.
NLAW - The true tank killer - Saab
Nov 4, 2022 · The NLAW anti-tank system has attracted plenty of praise recently for its ability to stop main battle tanks in their tracks. But where did it come from? And what makes the system so effective?
NLAW: The Game-Changer Missile That Destroys Tanks Like …
Dec 2, 2024 · The NLAW (Next-generation Light Anti-tank Weapon) has become a game-changer in modern warfare, proving its effectiveness in Ukraine by enabling infantry to destroy tanks with minimal training and at close range.
Saab Bofors Dynamics NLAW – Wikipedia
NLAW är vad som ibland kallas närpansarvärnsrobot, ett personburet axelavfyrat pansarvärnsrobotsystem med kort räckvidd för engångsbruk liknande ett pansarskott, vilket betyder att robottuben kommer förladdad med en robot och ska dumpas efter skott.
NLAW – The birth of a tank killer - WAR HAPPENS
But Saab’s NLAW anti-tank weapon also packs a powerful punch.With a missile capable of penetrating 500 mm armour and a range of 20 to 800 metres, the system has the ability to defeat main battle tanks.NLAW was developed in a cooperation between Sweden and UK where its designated as Robot 57 respectively MBT LAW.Five facts about NLAW: https ...
Meet NLAW ATW - 800m range of ultimate next-gen tank killer
Apr 3, 2022 · PANAGYURISHTE, ($1=1.77 Bulgarian Levs) — NLAW is a Swedish next-generation light anti-tank weapon design. It is known by various names – the Swedes call it Robot 57 [RB-57], some other people know it as the Main …
Robot 57 – stridsvagnarnas skräck - Försvarsmakten
Jul 18, 2022 · Bilderna på totalförstörda stridsvagnar från krigets Ukraina har fått en hel värld att fråga vad för vapen som ligger bakom. Svaret är Robot 57, eller NLAW (Next generation Light Anti-tank Weapon), som det internationella namnet lyder.
NLAW: European anti-tank weapon system proven in real combat
Apr 11, 2024 · The NLAW operates within an effective range of 20 to 800 meters, accommodating both close-quarters combat and engagements at greater distances. The system’s dual attack modes, Overfly Top Attack (OTA) and Direct Attack (DA), provide comprehensive engagement strategies against armoured targets.
NLAW - full review - specifications - military.news
It is a portable weapon designed for single use, operates on the "shoot and forget" principle, ideal for infantry. The NLAW features soft-start technology and Predictable Line of Sight (PLOS) …