Nitrospira - Wikipedia
Nitrospira (from Latin: nitro, meaning "nitrate" and Greek: spira, meaning "spiral") translate into "a nitrate spiral" is a genus of bacteria within the monophyletic clade [1] of the Nitrospirota phylum.
Complete nitrification by Nitrospira bacteria | Nature
Nov 26, 2015 · Here we report on the discovery and cultivation of a completely nitrifying bacterium from the genus Nitrospira, a globally distributed group of nitrite oxidizers.
Nitrospirota - Wikipedia
Nitrospirota is a phylum of bacteria. It includes multiple genera, such as Nitrospira, the largest. The first member of this phylum, Nitrospira marina, was discovered in 1985. [2] . The second member, Nitrospira moscoviensis, was discovered in 1995. [3][4]
Nitrospira - ScienceDirect
May 1, 2018 · Nitrospira plays pivotal roles in nitrification as an aerobic chemolithoautotrophic nitrite-oxidizing bacterium. These bacteria often occur in close association with ammonia-oxidizing bacteria or archaea that convert ammonia to nitrite, which is …
Genomic profiling of Nitrospira species reveals ecological success …
Nov 30, 2022 · Our study expands the genomic inventory of the Nitrospira genus, exposes the ecological success of complete ammonia oxidizers within a wide range of habitats, identifies the habitat preferences of (sub)lineages of canonical and comammox Nitrospira species, and proposes that horizontal transfer of genes involved in nitrification is linked to ...
Nitrospira - PubMed
Nitrospira plays pivotal roles in nitrification as an aerobic chemolithoautotrophic nitrite-oxidizing bacterium. These bacteria often occur in close association with ammonia-oxidizing bacteria or archaea that convert ammonia to nitrite, which is further oxidized to nitrate by Nitrospira.
Metabolic versatility of the nitrite-oxidizing bacterium Nitrospira ...
Nov 23, 2020 · The genus Nitrospira is the most widespread group of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria and thrives in diverse natural and engineered ecosystems.
Nitrospira in wastewater treatment: applications, opportunities …
Nitrification is an intermediary reaction common to various processes applied to treat nitrogen-containing wastewaters. The genus Nitrospira is the most diverse among nitrifying microorganisms and of significant importance in nitrification in …
Cultivation and genomic characterization of novel and ubiquitous …
Sep 25, 2023 · In this study, we explored the nitrite-oxidizing activity, phylogeny, environmental abundance, and genomic potential of marine Nitrospirales by leveraging three new enrichments and one new...
Complete nitrification by Nitrospira bacteria - PMC - PubMed …
Here we report on the discovery and cultivation of a completely nitrifying bacterium from the genus Nitrospira, a globally distributed group of nitrite oxidizers.