Nimloth (tree) - Tolkien Gateway
Aug 23, 2024 · Nimloth was the White Tree which grew in the King's Court in Armenelos of Númenor. It was brought as a gift by the Eldar from Tol Eressëa, in the form of a seedling from Celeborn as a symbol of friendship between the two races. Its blossoms appeared as the Sun set, and their perfume filled the night in Númenor's royal city.
Nimloth (elf of Doriath) - Tolkien Gateway
Aug 20, 2024 · On the other side of a table with the descendants of Elwë (Thingol), Nimloth is the daughter of Galadhon and the 'sister of Celeborn'. It looks as if the second thought of J.R.R. Tolkien was that Nimloth was the daughter of Galathil and the niece of Celeborn. Tolkien's later writings offer an alternate ancestry for Celeborn. Notes
Nimloth of Númenor | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
Nimloth the Fair was the name of the White Tree of the island of Númenor. It grew in the King's Court in the royal palace in the capital city of Armenelos. Nimloth was a gift from the Elves of Tol Eressëa to the King of Númenor, a seedling of Celeborn and Galathilion, an image of …
Nimloth of Doriath | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
Nimloth was an Elf of Doriath during the First Age. She was the daughter of Galathil, son of Galadhon, the son of Elmo. Elmo was the brother of Olwë and Elwë, making her a kinswoman of King Thingol.
The Encyclopedia of Arda - Nimloth - Glyph Web
The bringing of Nimloth to Númenor is described in a very broad account of the early days of Númenor that covers events unfolding over hundreds of years within a handful of paragraphs.
Nimloth of Doriath - Silmarillion Writers' Guild
The subject of this month’s biography is Nimloth of Doriath, another of the unsung elven ladies of The Silmarillion. Nimloth’s role in the history of the First Age is based upon her relationship to Dior Eluchíl, the son of Beren and Lúthien. She married him and bore his children.
Nimloth - Parf Edhellen: an elvish dictionary - elfdict.com
The white tree of Númenor (LotR/971, S/59), translated “White Blossom” (SI/Nimloth) or “Pale Blossom” (MR/155). It was also the name of the mother of Elwing, wife of Dior (S/234). This name is a combination of nim “white” and loth “flower” (SA/nim, loth).
Nimloth of Doriath | The New Notion Club Archives | Fandom
Nimloth (S."White Blossom"), an elf-maid of noble birth, was the daughter of Galathil of Doriath, niece of Celeborn and a kinswoman to King Thingol. She married Dior Eluchil with whom she lived at Lanthir Lamath in Ossiriand and became mother to Elwing, Elured and Elurin.
0211 - The White Trees of Gondor - The Tolkien Road Podcast
The White Tree of Gondor is a line of trees descended from Nimloth, the tree given to Númenor as a symbol of friendship. As an image of the Telperion, the Silver Tree of Valinor, it is a symbol of the favor and kinship of the Elves, who loved Telperion dearly.
TolkienWiki: Nimloth
Nimloth (1) An Elf of Doriath, related to Celeborn. She married Dior and was the mother of Eluréd, Elurín, and Elwing. She was slain in Menegroth in the attack by the sons of Fëanor.
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