Night Journey by Theodore Roethke - All Poetry
Dec 22, 2016 · Analysis (ai): The poem captures the experience of a passenger on a night train journey. The rhythmic movement of the train and the passing sights create a dynamic and immersive experience.
Night Journey by Theodore Roethke - Poem Analysis
‘Night Journey’ by Theodore Roethke is a beautiful poem dedicated to the poet’s love of the American countryside. The poem states that the speaker, likely the poet himself, is on a train journey. He’s traveling west, to an unknown destination, at night.
Analysis of Night Journey by Theodore Roethke - Poemotopia
Theodore Roethke’s poem “Night Journey” describes a speaker’s long train journey. He shares the experience of traveling by train at night, observing the beautiful landscapes from the train window while waiting for his destination, which is the “land” he loves.
Night Journey, poem by Theodore Roethke with photograph by …
Jan 28, 2021 · Night Journey by Theodore Roethke. Now as the train bears west, Its rhythm rocks the earth, And from my Pullman berth I stare into the night While others take their rest. Bridges of iron lace, A suddenness of trees, A lap of mountain mist All cross my line of sight, Then a bleak wasted place, And a lake below my knees. Full on my neck I feel
Night Journey poem - Theodore Roethke - Best Poems
Night Journey by Theodore Roethke Now as the train bears west, Its rhythm rocks the earth, And from my Pullman berth I stare into the night While others take their rest.
Selected Poems of T. Roethke | Night Journey - Ga WOW
I stare into the night While others take their rest. Bridges of iron lace, A suddenness of trees, A lap of mountain mist All cross my line of sight, Then a bleak wasted place, And a lake below my knees. Full on my neck I feel The straining at a curve; My muscles move with steel, I wake in every nerve. I watch a beacon swing From dark to blazing ...
Night Journey Poem by Theodore Roethke - InternetPoem.com
5 days ago · Night Journey Now as the train bears west, Its rhythm rocks the earth , And from my Pullman berth I stare into the night While others take their rest. Bridges of iron lace, A suddenness of trees, A lap of mountain mist All cross my line of sight, Then a bleak wasted place , And a lake below my knees.
Night Journey, by Theodore Roethke | poems, essays, and short …
Now as the train bears west, Its rhythm rocks the earth, And from my Pullman berth I stare into the night While others take their rest.
Poem Night Journey Lyrics — PoetAndPoem.com
Here you will find the Poem Night Journey of poet Theodore Roethke. While others take their rest. And a lake below my knees. I wake in every nerve. And gullies washed with light. That rattles double glass. To see the land I love.
Night Journey - Theodore Roethke - My poetic side
Now as the train bears west, Its rhythm rocks the earth, And from my Pullman berth I stare into the night While others take their rest. Bridges of iron lace, A suddenness of trees, A lap of mountain mist All cross my line of sight, Then a bleak wasted place, And a lake below my knees.