Nick Jr.| Kids Shows | Full Episodes & Video Clips
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Activities - Beyond The Backpack
Nick Jr. Beyond the Backpack is here to help you get your little one ready for kindergarten. Fill out the quick 3-minute check-in to customize a learning plan for your child.
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Resources for Grown Ups - Nick Jr.
Activities for Grownups
Beyond The Backpack | Preparing Your Child For Kindergarten
Nick Jr. Beyond the Backpack is here to help you get your little one ready for kindergarten. Fill out the quick 3-minute check-in to customize a learning plan for your child.
Pup Pup Boogie Dance Off Game | Beyond The Backpack
Get your pups off their tails and onto their paws! Turn on your favorite tunes, spin the spinner, and do the Pup Pup Boogie to get them moving and grooving.
About Beyond The Backpack
Beyond the Backpack complements Nick Jr.’s curriculum-based preschool programming by providing parents and caregivers with tips, activities, and resources focusing on five pillars: Family Engagement, Health & Wellness, Literacy Skills, Social & Emotional Skills, and STEM Skills (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math).
Read with your Nick Jr. Friends | Beyond The Backpack
Read with your Nick Jr. Friends . Print / Download. Get kids excited to read every day! Sticker rewards from Blaze, Shimmer and Shine, Bubble Guppies, and PAW Patrol will motivate kids and help them track their progress every week. At the end of each sticker-filled week, why not reward your child with a trip to the library? ...
Rhyming Time | Beyond The Backpack
Playing with rhyming words can be fun, but rhyming also helps children learn about sound and letter patterns. Children learn that words can sound almost the same (bat/cat) and that by simply changing an initial letter or two, they can easily transform one word into another.