Careers - Netivot HaTorah Day School
Netivot is looking for candidate(s) who are passionate about education, love working with children, are prepared to model and promote spiritual, academic, and social/emotional growth. You …
Programs - Netivot HaTorah Day School
In the process of learning, Netivot HaTorah equips your child with the skills and tools necessary for success in High School and beyond. Our students graduate with a solid academic …
History of the School - Netivot HaTorah Day School
Netivot HaTorah was started by a handful of parents who dreamed of establishing a unique education institution in Toronto – a school that would be founded upon the values of Torah, …
Mission & Vision - Netivot HaTorah Day School
Netivot HaTorah is a co-educational Pre-Nursery through Grade 8 school that supports the diversity of the Orthodox community in Toronto. At Netivot HaTorah personalities emerge, …
Netivot HaTorah Day School
Netivot HaTorah is a co-educational orthodox elementary Jewish Day School that offers an ideal learning environment that enriches your child and your home; creates lively Shabbat tables, a …
Order Login - Netivot HaTorah Day School
www.netivot.com Charitable Reg# 12995-0291 RR0001. NORTH CAMPUS. 18 Atkinson Avenue Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8C8. SOUTH CAMPUS. 470 Glencairn Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5N …
Matthew Schlar - Netivot HaTorah Day School
PA Chat King, aka Matthew Schlar, can always be seen with a smile on his face when he’s volunteering at Netivot. “There’s so much negativity in this world; it’s such a strange place to …
Middle School - Netivot HaTorah Day School
Netivot HaTorah’s Middle School offers a stimulating and comprehensive Limudei Kodesh program/curriculum as well as a first-rate, challenging general studies program which nurtures …
Netivot Community - Netivot HaTorah Day School
Our Netivot community is what makes our school so special. Humans of Netivot is an exciting initiative sparked by the experience of Shabbat Netivot Byachad. Everyone has a story to share.
STEAM - Netivot HaTorah Day School
Through Netivot’s STEAM program, students learn to: think critically about pressing issues in the world today and to design solutions to these problems; develop essential collaborative skills …