Movies | Netflix Official Site
Movies move us like nothing else can, whether they’re scary, funny, dramatic, romantic or anywhere in-between. So many titles, so much to experience.
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Watch (Un)Well | Netflix Official Site
This docuseries takes a deep dive into the lucrative wellness industry, which touts health and healing. But do the products live up to the promises? Watch trailers & learn more.
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Watch Un/Happy For You - Netflix
When his ex suddenly shows up in town, a chef plots to get even with her for leaving him — but might just end up trying to win her back. Watch trailers & learn more.
Disfruta películas y series en internet o en tu smart TV, consola de videojuegos, PC, Mac, dispositivo móvil, tablet y más.
How to sign up for Netflix | Netflix Help Center
You have the freedom to change your plan or cancel online at any time if you decide Netflix isn’t for you. Signing up for a Netflix account is easy! Follow the steps for your platform below.
Netflix - Watch TV Shows Online, Watch Movies Online
Watch Netflix movies & TV shows online or stream right to your smart TV, game console, PC, Mac, mobile, tablet and more.
Plans and Pricing | Netflix Help Center
Netflix offers a variety of plans to meet your entertainment needs. As a Netflix member, you are charged monthly on the date you signed up. A Netflix account is for people who live together in a single household.
Planes y precios | Centro de ayuda de Netflix
Netflix ofrece varios planes para que elijas el más adecuado para tus necesidades. Como miembro de Netflix, se te cobrará mensualmente en la fecha de suscripción. Las cuentas de Netflix están pensadas para personas que viven juntas en el mismo hogar.